

Analysis of Incidence Trend of Colorectal Cancer in Yangpu District, Shanghai
摘要 目的分析上海市杨浦区结直肠癌发病趋势,为防治结直肠癌提供依据。方法从上海市杨浦区肿瘤病例登记报告管理系统导出1973—2016年的发病病例信息,分析结直肠癌的发病率、标化发病率,描述结直肠癌发病的年龄分布、时期分布及队列分布。结果1973—2016年间,杨浦区结直肠癌标化发病率整体随时间推移而增加;在1988年、2000年、2013年及2015年有发病率突发增高后又下降的情况。结直肠癌发病率在20~44岁没有规律性,45岁以上发现1998—2007年期间女性发病率较高,2008—2016年男性发病率较高。从时间趋势看,1973—2007年男性结直肠癌发病率与女性较为接近,而从2008—2016年男性发病率大幅提升,明显高于女性,且发病率增幅也高于女性。1953—1989年杨浦区出生人群结直肠癌标化发病率随出生时间的推移呈下降趋势,标化发病率的降幅随时期降低。结论杨浦区居民结直肠癌发病风险随年龄单调递增。建议对所有居民进行结直肠癌防治知识普及,倡导健康的饮食习惯和生活方式,在中老年人中开展结直肠癌初筛,加强随访,督促初筛阳性的居民进行肠镜检查。在结直肠癌防治过程中,应将男性作为重点人群,积极开展健康教育和早期筛查。 Objective To analyze the trend of incidence of colorectal cancer to provide evidence for colorectal cancer prevention and treatment.Methods The information on the incidence of cases from 1973 to 2016 was derived from the case report system of cancer management in Yangpu District.The incidence rate and standardized incidence rate of colorectal cancer were analyzed.Age distribution,time distribution and cohort distribution of colorectal cancer were described.Results During 1973-2016,the standardized incidence of colorectal cancer in Yangpu increased.In 1988,2000,2013 and 2015,the standardized incidences of colorectal cancer were sudden increasing and then decreasing.The incidence of colorectal cancer in Yangpu District were not regular in 20-44 years old.The incidence of colorectal cancer in women over 45 years old was found to be higher during 1998-2007,and the incidence of colorectal cancer in men was higher during 2008-2016.From 1973 to 2007,the incidence of colorectal cancer in men was similar to that in women,but from 2008 to 2016,the incidence of colorectal cancer in men increased significantly,which was significantly higher than that in women,and the increase rate was also higher than that in women.The standardized incidence of colorectal cancer in Yangpu District during 1953-1989 showed a decreasing trend with the time of birth,and the decrease of standardized incidence decreased with the time of birth.Conclusion The incidence risk of colorectal cancer among residents in Yangpu District increases monotonously with age.It is suggested to popularize knowledge on prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer among all residents,advocating healthy diet and lifestyle,conducting primary screening for colorectal cancer among middle-aged and elderly people,strengthening follow-up,and urging residents with positive initial screening to have colonoscopy.In the process of colorectal cancer prevention,the male crowd,as the key to actively carry out health education and early screening.
作者 陈灵颖 周隽隽 赵佳 谢梦 Chen Lingying;Zhou Junjun;Zhao Jia;Xie Meng(Yangpu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shanghai 200090,China)
出处 《健康教育与健康促进》 2021年第5期506-510,共5页 Health Education and Health Promotion
基金 上海市杨浦区重点学科建设(YP19ZB11)
关键词 结直肠癌 发病率 发病趋势 Colorectal cancer Incidence Incidence trend
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