
新发展阶段产业工会实现高质量发展与作用发挥的路径探析——以安徽省产业工会为例 被引量:1

An Analysis of High-quality Development and Role of Industrial Trade Unions in the New Stage of Development:Taking Industrial Trade Unions of Anhui Province as an Example
摘要 产业工会是产业职工合法权益的代表者和维护者,是产业劳动关系的协调者,是产业经济持续健康发展的促进者。进入新发展阶段,产业工会正处在为党和国家中心工作发挥更大作用的机遇期,处在推动产业工会工作高质量发展的窗口期。本文以安徽省产业工会为例,通过对安徽省产业工会的历史沿革与组织概况的梳理,分析了产业工会发挥作用的路径,提出了推动新时期我国产业工会高质量发展的对策建议。 Industrial trade unions are the representatives and defenders of the legitimate rights and interests of industrial workers,the coordinator of industrial labor relations,and the promoter of the sustainable and healthy development of industrial economy.Entering the new stage of development,the industrial trade unions is in a period of opportunity to play a greater role in the central work of the Party and our country,and in the window period of promoting the high-quality development of the industrial trade union.Taking Anhui industrial trade unions as an example,by combing the historical evolution of Anhui industrial trade union,the paper analyzes the role of industrial trade unions and puts forward measures and suggestions to promote the high-quality development of Chinese industrial trade unions in the new period.
作者 邵月娥 Shao Yue'e(Anhui Central Trade Union Cadre College,Hefei 230001)
出处 《北京市工会干部学院学报》 2021年第3期28-34,共7页 Journal of Beijing Federation of Trade Unions Cadre College
关键词 新时代 产业工会 路径依赖 高质量发展 the new era industrial trade unions path dependence high-quality development
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