
一种应用于物联网的BLE Mesh组网分组协议 被引量:2

A BLE Mesh networking grouping protocol applied to Internet of Things
摘要 针对物联网设备数目不断增多导致控制繁琐的问题,提出一种基于BLE(低功耗蓝牙)的Mesh组网分组控制协议。该分组协议在所有设备均已入网的情况下,其广播数据中控制指令的目的地址采用组内地址,减少了同组中每个设备所需的地址位;在发送控制信息时,可利用对组别和设备号的设计实现对整组或单个设备的控制,且能够实现以较少的地址位数控制较多的分组个数和组内设备数目,大大提高了用户的控制体验。实际应用测试结果表明,使用组内地址传输相同数据包所需的时间相比使用源地址的传统方法可以减少23.5%,在需要传输大量数据包时可以节省更多的时间和功耗,验证了该协议能够有效地实现物联网中设备的分组和控制,而且控制方式更加灵活可靠。 In allusion to the problem of cumbersome control caused by the increasing number of Internet of Things devices,a Mesh networking grouping control protocol based on BLE(Bluetooth low energy)is proposed.In this groupng protocol,when all devices are connected to the network,the intra⁃group address is used for the destination address of the control instruction in the broadcast data,which can reduce the address bits required by each device in the same group.When sending control information,the design of group number and device number can be used to control a whole group or a single device,and can control more groups and devices in a group by fewer address bits,which greatly improves the users'control experience.The test results in a practical application show that,in comparison with the traditional method using the source address,the time that the method using the intra⁃group address requires to transmit the same data packet can be reduced by 23.5%,and more time and power consumption can be saved when a large number of data packets are transmitted.It is verified that the protocol can effectively realize the groupng and control of devices in the Internet of Things,and the control mode is more flexible and reliable.
作者 张凌飞 马俊 万光耀 刘晨 张皓伦 ZHANG Lingfei;MA Jun;WAN Guangyao;LIU Chen;ZHANG Haolun(College of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering,Qinghai Nationalities University,Xining 810007,China;School of Computer,Qinghai Normal University,Xining 810008,China;Institute of Electronic CAD,Xidian University,Xi’an 710071,China)
出处 《现代电子技术》 2021年第22期41-46,共6页 Modern Electronics Technique
基金 青海省重点研发与转化计划项目(2018⁃NN⁃151) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61761040) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61771363)。
关键词 物联网 BLE Mesh组网 分组协议 设备控制 组内地址 应用测试 Internet of Things BLE Mesh networking grouping protocol device control intra⁃group address application test
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