
中国户籍制度改革:历程回顾、改革估价和趋势判断 被引量:16

China’s Household Registration System Reform:History Review,Reform Valuation and Trend Judgment
摘要 户籍制度就像中国浩浩荡荡人口迁移的一道闸门,在整个经济社会发展中扮演着至关重要的角色。以人口迁移和福利分配为直接表征的户籍制度改革,经历了二元户籍严格管制、二元户籍制度松动、二元户籍制度有限突破、基本公共服务均等化制度构建、户籍制度改革加快推进五个阶段,呈现出明显的渐进式、分类化的特点。长期以来,城乡和区域户籍利益分配的失衡逐渐形塑了户籍利益二元分化的格局,凸显了户籍制度改革的片面性和滞后性。事实上,户籍制度改革的成本并非高不可攀,且改革收益要远大于成本。新一轮户籍制度改革应更加注重统筹户籍利益差别,构建一元户籍制度,真正实现居住地公共服务的均衡化和普惠化。 The household registration system is like a gate for China’s vast population migration, playing a crucial role in the overall economic and social development. The reform of the household registration system, directly characterized by population migration and welfare distribution, has gone through five stages: strict control of dual household registration, relaxation of the dual household registration system, limited breakthrough of the dual household registration system, construction of a system for equalizing basic public services, and accelerated reform of the household registration system, showing obvious gradual and categorical characteristics. For a long time, the imbalance in the distribution of urban-rural and regional household registration interests has gradually shaped the dichotomous pattern of household registration interests, highlighting the one-sidedness and lag of the household registration system reform. In fact, the cost of reforming the household registration system is not unattainable, and the benefits of reform far outweigh the costs. The new round of household registration system reform should pay more attention to integrating the differences in household registration interests, building a one-dimensional household registration system, and truly realizing equalization and inclusiveness of public services in the place of residence.
作者 赵军洁 张晓旭 Zhao Junjie;Zhang Xiaoxu
出处 《宏观经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第9期125-132,160,共9页 Macroeconomics
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“包容性创新视角下农村精准脱贫成效评估及可持续机制研究”(18CQL042)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 户籍制度改革 历程回顾 改革估价 趋势判断 Household registration system reform History review Reform valuation Trend judgment
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