
圈养亚成体及成体东北虎体尺参数及体重 被引量:1

Body Measurement Parameters and Body Weight of Sub-adult and Adult Amur Tigers(Panthera tigris altaica)
摘要 为探究东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)的生长发育特征,为东北虎的人工饲养以及野生东北虎的保护提供科学参考,测定了东北虎体重、胸围、腰围、肩高、臀高、体长、颈围和前后掌垫宽9个体尺参数,并对亚成体与成体东北虎体重及体尺参数的差异性及体重与体尺参数间的线性关系进行分析。结果表明:成体雄虎体重、体长、肩高、前掌垫宽及后掌垫宽均显著大于亚成体;成体雌虎臀高、胸围及腰围显著小于亚成体雌虎。4—5岁的东北虎,除体长、前掌垫宽和后掌垫宽以外,其他体尺参数均下降,5岁以后逐渐增长。在对体尺参数与体重的线性回归分析中,肩高与体重的拟合效果最好,并且肩高与体长也具有显著线性关系,因此肩高是评估东北虎体重和体长的重要参数。 This study measured nine morphological indicators,including body weight,chest circ-umference,waist circumference,shoulder height,hip height,body length,neck circumference,front and hind palm pad width,in order to explore the growth and development of Amur tiger(Panthera tigris altaica)and provide a scientific reference for the artificial breeding and protection of the wild Amur tiger.Differences in body measurement parameters and body weight between sub-adult and adult Amur tiger were analyzed,and the linear correlations between body weight and body measurement parameters were analyzed.The body weight,body length,shoulder height,forefoot pad width and hind pad width of the adult male Amur tiger were significantly larger than that of the sub-adults.The hip height,chest circumference and waist circumference of the adult female Amur tiger were significantly smaller than that of the sub-adults.During the period of 4-5 years old of Amur tiger,except for body length,fore and hind palms,the other body measurement parameters decreased;after 5 years of age,these parameters gradually increased with age.In the linear regression analysis of body measurements and body weight,the model fit of body weight and shoulder height was the best;shoulder height also had a significant linear relationship with body length.Therefore,shoulder height is an important parameter for assessing the weight and length of the Amur tiger.
作者 崔永璐 刘丹 牟歌 宫明 徐海涛 李鑫 杨升帆 樊雪飞 刘艳华 姜广顺 CUI Yonglu;LIU Dan;MU Ge;GONG Ming;XU Haitao;LI Xin;YANG Shengfan;FAN Xuefei;LIU Yanhua;JIANG Guangshun(Feline Research Center of National Forestry and Grassland Administration,College of Wildlife and Protected Area,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin,150040,China;Siberian Tiger Park,Harbin,150028,China)
出处 《野生动物学报》 北大核心 2021年第4期965-972,共8页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31872241,31572285) 中央高校基本科研专项资金平台项目(2572017PZ14)。
关键词 东北虎 体尺 体重 线性回归 Amur tiger(Panthera tigris altaica) Body measurement Body weight Linear regression
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