

Operational mechanism of military-civilian system for collaborative innovation based on knowledge network
摘要 军民协同创新体系由军地管理机构、高校、科研院所、企业以及中介机构等不同类型的创新主体组成,各主体通过正式和非正式关系联结,将单个创新主体有限的私有知识置于知识网络中。知识网络具有异质性、自主性、层次性和复杂性等特点,结构上分为节点要素、关系要素和环境要素。本文认为,军民协同创新体系通过网络上不同类型节点的相互作用和联系来扩散和使用知识,实现知识创新的目的,在此过程中,私有知识转移扩散、整合共有、吸收应用的交替循环运动实现知识持续积累与螺旋上升。军民协同创新体系知识网络的形成与运行,既需要发挥市场机制的基础性作用,也需要发挥军地管理机构的引导作用,以及中介机构的纽带和支撑作用,通过“有为政府”和“有效市场”的良性互动,最大限度凝聚知识创新的社会合力。 The military–civilian system of collaborative innovation consists of different types of subjects of innovation,such as military and civilian management agencies,universities,research institutes,enterprises,and intermediary organizations.It combines the limited private knowledge of a single subject of innovation with a knowledge network through formal and informal relations,Its knowledge network features heterogeneity,autonomy,hierarchy,and complexity,and is structurally divided into node elements,relational elements,and environmental elements.The military–civilian system of collaborative innovation spreads and uses knowledge through the interaction and connection among different types of nodes on the network to realize the aims of knowledge innovation.In this process,the alternating circulation of private knowledge,and its integration,sharing,and absorption helps realize the continual accumulation and expansion of the overall knowledge.The formation and operation of the knowledge network of the military-civilian system of collaborative innovation requiresgivingplay to the basic role of the market mechanismas well as the guiding role of the military and civilian management agencies,along with the link and supporting role of intermediary organizations.The benign interaction of an“activist government”and an“efficient market”can helpmaximize the social synergy of knowledge-based innovation.
作者 谢玉科 何昊宸 XIE Yuke;HE Haochen(College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410072,China;School of Economics,Peking University,Beijing100089,China)
出处 《国防科技》 2021年第5期102-107,共6页 National Defense Technology
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(16BGL220)。
关键词 军民协同创新体系 知识网络 运行机理 military–civilian collaborative innovation system knowledge network operational mechanism
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