

The View of“Centering on Meanings”in the History of Yijing Philosophy:Focusing on Cheng Yi’s Comm entary on the Changes
摘要 自朱伯崑的《易学哲学史》以来,学界一般认为“取义说”是义理派易学的共通特征。但考察“取义”一词可知,现代学者关于“取义说”的解释偏离了古代文献中“取义”概念的原义。通观易学史,程颐的《伊川易传》首次频繁而自觉地运用“取义”概念,形成系统的取义说。程颐认为,同一卦爻往往蕴含多种意义,而作《易》之圣人对并存诸意义进行自觉的取舍,决定了卦爻辞的呈现。由此,《周易》卦爻辞被置入“圣人取义”的视域中,对卦爻辞的诠释最终指向对圣人教化意图的体会,这与王弼易学中鲜见“圣人”概念形成了鲜明对比。取义说通过对圣人教化意图的凸显,将卦爻辞与儒学义理融为一体,对程颐重建儒家易学起了关键作用。 Since Zhu Bokun’s(1923-2007)Yixue zhexue shi(A History of the Philosophy of Changes Scholarship)came out,scholars generally believe that“centering on meanings”is a common feature of the school of yi(meanings)and li(principles).However,scrutiny of the term qu yi(centering on meanings)shows that the interpretation of“centering on meanings”by modern scholars deviates from the original meaning of the concept in ancient documents.Throughout the history of Changes scholarship,Cheng Yi’s Commentary on the Changes was where the term began to be used frequently and self-consciously so that a systematic theory was established.Cheng Yi(1033-1107)believes that the same line often contains multiple meanings,and the sages who composed the Book of Changes consciously made a selection from the coexisting meanings,which determined the presentation of the hexagram and line statements.As a result,the hexagram and line statements of Zhou yi are viewed in the framework of“sages chose meanings”,and the interpretation of the hexagrams and lines ultimately points to the understanding of the sage’s intention of edification,which is in sharp contrast with the rare appearance of“sages”in Wang Bi’s(226-249)scholarship on the Book of Changes.By highlighting the sage’s intention of edification,the theory of centering on meanings integrates the hexagram and lines statements with meanings and principles of Confucianism,which played a key role in Cheng Yi’s reconstruction of Confucian approach to the Changes.
作者 廖海华 LIAO Hai-hua
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期48-55,共8页 Studies of Zhouyi
基金 中国博士后科学基金第68批面上资助项目:“近世日本易学思想研究”(2020M681194) 上海市“超级博士后”激励计划资助。
关键词 程颐 取义 王弼 儒家易学 Cheng Yi centering on meanings Wang Bi Confucian approach to the Changes








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