
江淮地区燕麦籽粒产量与农艺性状的相关性及通径分析 被引量:11

Correlation and Path Analysis of Oat Seed Yield with Agronomic Characters in Jiang-Huai Area
摘要 为了研究江淮地区燕麦籽粒生产的影响因素,选取了13个皮燕麦种质和7个裸燕麦种质,对其12个主要农艺性状和籽粒产量进行了相关性分析和通径分析。结果表明,12个农艺性状与皮燕麦籽粒产量的相关性大小依次为分蘖数>茎叶比>株高>茎粗>千粒重>穗长>旗叶宽>轮层数>小花数>穗鲜重>旗叶长>小穗数;对逐步回归分析筛选出的6个农艺性状和皮燕麦籽粒产量做通径分析,其直接效应依次为茎粗>分蘖数>茎叶比>穗长>株高>千粒重,株高和千粒重为负效应。农艺性状与裸燕麦籽粒产量相关性依次为小花数>旗叶长>小穗数>茎粗>穗长>分蘖数>穗鲜重>株高>轮层数>旗叶宽>茎叶比>千粒重;进行通径分析后,直接效应大小为穗鲜重>穗长>茎粗>小穗数>小花数>旗叶长>分蘖数,旗叶长和分蘖数为负效应。综合考虑,皮燕麦籽粒丰产的关键在于增加单株分蘖数;裸燕麦的生产过程中则要选择小穗性状优良、小花数适中的品种。 To discuss the factors influencing oat seed yield in Jiang-Huai area, correlation and path analysis were carried out on the seed yields of 12 main agronomic characters of 13 germplasms of hulled oat(Avena sativa) and seven germplasms of naked oat. The results showed that the correlation between 12 agronomic characters and seed yield of hulled oat was number of tiller > stem and leaf ratio > plant height > stem thick > 1000-grain weight > length of spikelet > width of flag leaf > number of ear layer > number of flower > ear fresh weight > length of flag leaf > number of spikelet. Six traits were selected by screening with the stepwise regression method. Path analysis of oats seed yield with the six main agronomic characters was carried out. The direct effect order was stem thick > number of tiller > stem and leaf ratio > length of spikelet > plant height >1000-grain weight, while the plant height and 1000-grain weight showed negative effects. The correlation between agronomic characters and seed yield of naked oat was number of flower > length of flag leaf > number of spikelet > stem thick > length of spikelet > number of tiller > ear fresh weight > plant height > number of ear layer > width of flag leaf > stem and leaf ratio > 1000-grain weight. Path analysis of seed yield of naked oat with the seven main agronomic characters was carried out. The direct effect order was ear fresh weight > length of spikelet > stem thick > number of spikelet > number of flower > length of flag leaf > number of tiller, while the length of flag leaf and number of tiller showed negative effects. With comprehensive consideration, the key to high yield of hulled oat seed in Yangzhou area was to increase tiller number per plant. During the production of naked oat, the cultivars with good spikelets and moderate florets number should be selected.
作者 张琦 魏臻武 闫天芳 Zhang Qi;Wei Zhenwu;Yan Tianfang(College of Animal Science and Technology,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,Jiangsu,China)
出处 《作物杂志》 北大核心 2021年第5期146-152,共7页 Crops
基金 上海市科技兴农项目“紫花苜蓿冬季栽培及轮作作物双减关键技术的研究示范”[沪农科推字(2020)第1-2号] 江苏省现代农业产业技术体系(JATS[2018]079) 国家自然科学基金(30972136) 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(XKYCX19_124)。
关键词 燕麦 种质 农艺性状 籽粒产量 通径分析 Oat Germplasm Agronomic characters Seed yield Path analysis
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