

Retrospect and Prospect of Public Service Research in Tibet——Literature Retrievaland Statistics Based on CNKI Database
摘要 随着国家经济实力的显著增强和国民素质的不断提高,人民群众对美好生活的向往愈发强烈,对于全方位、多层次的物质、精神需求旺盛,而公共服务事关城乡居民美好愿望的实现。继"服务型"政府推进以来,西藏地方政府公共服务能力有了大幅提升,学者对于西藏自治区的公共服务状况也十分关注。通过对历年间有关西藏公共服务研究的文献进行梳理分析发现,现有研究仍然存在一些不足之处,未来研究应以基本公共服务研究为重点,不断加强实证研究和混合研究,同时注重协同研究,以促进该研究领域不断深化发展。 With the significant enhancement of the country’s economic strength and the continuous improvement of the national quality, the people’s desire for the happier life is increasingly strong, and they have a strong demand for all-round and multi-level material and spiritual services. Public services are related to the realization of the good wishes of urban and rural residents. Since the promotion of "service-oriented" government, the public service capability of the local government in Tibet has been greatly improved.Through combing and analyzing the literature on Tibet’s public service research over the years, it is found that the existing research still has some shortcomings. Future research should focus on basic public service research,continue to strengthen empirical research and mixed research, and focus on collaborative research to promote the continuous deepening of the research field.
作者 吴瑜莹 WU Yuying(School of Management,Xizang Minzu University,Xianyang,Shaanxi 712082)
出处 《兴义民族师范学院学报》 2021年第1期43-50,共8页 Journal of Minzu Normal University of Xingyi
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“朝向美好生活的西藏边境地区公共服务共建共享研究”(18BGL254)的阶段性成果。
关键词 西藏 公共服务 基本公共服务 文献统计 Tibet public service basic public service literature analysis
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