

Introduction of the Study of the Ying Tsao Fa Shih: Part Ⅰ
摘要 《营造法式的研究》是日本学者竹岛卓一对我国北宋建筑技术古籍《营造法式》的研究,该专著前有竹岛卓一的序言。序言包含四方面内容:首先介绍了《营造法式》的编修经过;再对《营造法式》的传承流变进行了整理;之后介绍了《营造法式》这本书的内容和构成;最后作者介绍了自己研究《营造法式》的方针和原则。其中有关《法式》的编修经过和传承流变反映了日本方面的研究情况,和我国的相关研究相互辉映,而第四部分所涉及的研究方针和原则有助于了解竹岛卓一《法式》研究的角度和侧重。这篇《序》是了解日本学界,特别是竹岛卓一的相关研究不容忽视的重要文献,此次翻译整理出来就正于方家,并期望能为中日学术交流做一些基础性的工作。 The Study of the Ying Tsao Fa Shih is a study by a Japanese researcher named Takuichi Takeshihima on the Chinese historic document of the technology of buildings of North Song Dynasty Yingtsao Fashih. In the beginning of this study there is an introduction.Yingtsao Fashih and there is an introduction in the beginning of the works. The introduction recommends four aspects: the editing process of the document of Yingtsao Fashih, the circulation of the different versions, the contents and composition of Yingtsao Fashih and his researching guidelines and principles on the documents. The contents on the editing process and version circulation of the documents is a research from the Japanese angels and this Japanese research and related research in our country reflects each other. While the final part of the introduction helps readers to understand the angles and points of Takeshima’s research. This introduction is an important document to understand the Japanese especially Takeshima’s research. This time we translate and introduce this literature to Chinese readers to win advice from Chinese academic circles and hope to do some basic work for Chinese-Japanese academic exchanges.
作者 竹岛卓一 戴明珠 乔娇娇 张毅捷 Takeshima Takuichi;Dai Mingzhu;Qiao Jiaojiao;Zhang Yijie
出处 《华中建筑》 2021年第11期1-4,共4页 Huazhong Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:51978574) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(编号:17YJA770022) 2018年研究生学术素养提升计划(科创竞赛培育)专题项目(编号:2018KCJS19)。
关键词 《营造法式》 《营造法式的研究》 竹岛卓一 Yingtsao Fashih The study of the Ying Tsao Fa Shih Takuichi Takeshima
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