为研究太原市冬季PM_(2.5)中水溶性离子的污染特征,利用高分辨率MARGA对2021年1月太原市PM_(2.5)中的水溶性离子展开为期11 d的连续监测。结果表明,PM_(2.5)的平均质量浓度为76.8356μg/m^(3),略高于环境空气质量标准(GB 3059-2012)日均质量浓度限值75μg/m_(3)。SO_(4)^(2-)、NO_(3)^(-)和NH_(4)^(+)依然是PM_(2.5)中主导的3种水溶性离子,在PM_(2.5)中的占比为34.9%。研究不同污染等级下水溶性离子的污染特征发现,随着污染等级的升高,PM_(2.5)中水溶性离子的浓度也随之升高,硫转化率(SOR)和氮转化率(NOR)也逐渐上升。主成分分析结果表明,观测期间太原市PM_(2.5)中水溶性离子主要受二次转化、燃煤源、工业排放与土壤或建筑扬尘的影响。
In order to study the pollution characteristics of water-soluble ions in PM_(2.5) in Taiyuan in winter, high-resolution MARGA was used to continuously monitor the water-soluble ions in PM_(2.5) in Taiyuan in January 2021 for 11 days. The results showed that the average mass concentration of PM_(2.5) was 76.8356 μg/m^(3), slightly higher than the daily average mass concentration limit of 75 μg/m^(3) in the ambient air quality standard(GB 3059-2012). SO_(4)^(2-), NO_(3)^(-) and NH_(4)^(+) are still the three dominant water-soluble ions in PM_(2.5), accounting for 34.9% of PM_(2.5). By studying the pollution characteristics of water-soluble ions in different pollution levels, it is found that with the increase of pollution level, the concentration of water-soluble ions in PM_(2.5) also increases, and the sulfur conversion rate(SOR) and nitrogen conversion rate(NOR) also increase gradually. The results of principal component analysis show that the water-soluble ions in PM_(2.5) in Taiyuan during the observation period are mainly affected by secondary transformation, coal-fired sources, industrial emissions and soil or building dust.
DUAN Yan;WANG Yang;HE Qiusheng(Taiyuan Ecological Environment Monitoring and Scientific Research Center,Shanxi Taiyuan 030002,China;School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,Taiyuan Shanxi 030024,China)
Shanxi Chemical Industry