
贺兰山东麓葡萄园结露温度与结露时间变化特征 被引量:1

Variation Characteristics of Dewing Temperature and Dewing Time in Vineyards of Eastern Helan Mountain Area
摘要 利用银川农气站2003—2020年葡萄生育期4—10月逐小时气象观测资料和美域酒庄2019—2020年小气候监测站逐小时气象观测数据以及同一区域立兰葡萄园2019年6月逐10 min叶面温度监测数据,以美域酒庄葡萄园为例,分析贺兰山东麓葡萄园葡萄生育期结露温度和结露日数、时长及结露时间变化规律及其影响因素。结果表明:贺兰山东麓葡萄园葡萄生育期的结露温度呈“单峰型”月际分布,7月达到峰值,10月最低。近18 a来,葡萄生育期结露日数(时长)大致呈逐月递增趋势,9月最多(长),4月最少(短),且存在明显的年际变化;全天均可出现结露现象,但结露主要分布在17:00至次日01:00,且随月份结露时段范围逐渐扩大,结露时段9月最宽,4月最窄。露点温度与最低气温、降水量呈显著正相关,结露通常出现在降水天气前后及最低气温低的情况下。病虫害与结露密切相关,因此在结露较多的月份需注意干燥通风。 Dew is an important part of vineyard water cycle,which plays a vital role in the regulation of vineyard microclimate,and it is also a necessary condition for the germination of microbial spores.Based on the hourly meteorological observation data during the growing period of wine grape from April to October at Yinchuan agro-meteorological station from 2003 to 2020 and microclimate station of Meiyu Chateau from 2019 to 2020 and the 10-minute leaf surface temperature data from a typical winery in the same area in June 2019,the leaf temperature and air temperature were compared,firstly.When the dewing temperature was less than leaf surface temperature,the dew occurred.Taking the vineyard of Meiyu Chateau as an example,the temporal variation characteristics of dewing temperature,dewing days,dewing duration and dewing time during the growing period of grape and its influencing factors in vineyards of eastern Helan Mountain area were analyzed.The results show that the monthly dewing temperature from April to October appeared single-peak pattern in vineyards of eastern Helan Mountain area,and it reached the peak in July and the minimum in October.In the past 18 years,the monthly dewing days and duration increased gradually during the growing period,and it was the most(longest)in September,while it was the least(shortest)in April,and their inter-annual changes were obvious.Dewing could occur in the whole day,but it mainly occurred from 17:00 to next 01:00,and the range of dewing time gradually increased from April to October,it was the widest in September and the narrowest in April.The dew point temperature was significantly positive correlated with the minimum temperature and precipitation,the dewing usually occurred before and after rainfall processes and under the low minimum temperature weathers.The pests and diseases had a closely relation with dewing,so when temperature was higher in the evening in September and October,the drying and ventilating was very important for preventing pests and diseases in the vineyard.
作者 冯蕊 范锦龙 李芳红 张亚红 卫建国 张晓煜 FENG Rui;FAN Jinlong;LI Fanghong;ZHANG Yahong;WEI Jianguo;ZHANG Xiaoyu(Agricultural College of Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China;Key Laboratory of Characteristic Agrometeorological Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning and Risk Management in Arid Regions,CMA,Yinchuan 750002,China;Ningxia Institute of Meteorological Sciences,Yinchuan 750002,China;National Satellite Meteorological Center,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《干旱气象》 2021年第5期824-830,共7页 Journal of Arid Meteorology
基金 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划(2018BFH03012) 国家自然科学基金项目(41675114)共同资助。
关键词 结露温度 结露时间 露点温度 葡萄园 贺兰山东麓 dewing temperature dewing time dew point temperature vineyard eastern Helan Mountain area
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