

Exploration of Modern Apprenticeship Featuring an Integration with the Industrial Chain and Enterprises--Based on the Pilot Research of Ningbo Polytechnic
摘要 宁波职业技术学院探索出三种现代学徒制人才培养模式,即对接产业链开展校企一体现代学徒制人才培养,形成基于大型企业培养、基于产业园区模具企业集群、基于数字科技园“院园融合”中小企业集聚的具有本地特色的三种现代学徒制范式,对推动现代学徒制高质量发展提供了新思路、新途径。宁波职业技术学院的探索与实践,对全面推行现代学徒制的启示:完善政策法规建设,夯实顶层设计;构建多元投入机制,激发利益主体活力;对接“1+X”证书制度,优化人才培养方案;吸收国际先进标准,促进教育高质发展。 Three typical modes of modern apprenticeship have been explored by Ningbo Polytechnic since the Ministry of Education initiated its first batch of pilot projects.These modes,which are expected to provide new ideas for the high-quality development of modern apprenticeship,are characterized by an integration with the industrial chain and local enterprises,namely,collaboration with giant enterprises,collaboration with mould enterprise cluster within an industrial park,and collaboration with small and medium-sized enterprises within a digital technology park.Based on experiences for reference and practices,it is suggested for promoting the modern apprenticeship as follows:to improve and perfect relevant policies and regulations so as to strengthen the top-level design,to construct the multiple investment mechanism so as to stimulate potential investors’vitality,to optimize the talent cultivation program by introducing the 1+X certificate system,to adopt internationally advanced standards so as to boost high-quality development.
作者 周艺红 朱骏军 王正才 ZHOU Yihong;ZHU Junjun;WANG Zhengcai(Ningbo Polytechnic,Ningbo 315800,China)
出处 《宁波职业技术学院学报》 2021年第5期23-27,共5页 Journal of Ningbo Polytechnic
基金 浙江省高等教育“十三五”第二批教学改革研究项目“基于1+X证书制度的‘三教’改革路径及实施策略研究”(jg20190720) 浙江省高等教育学会2021年度高等教育研究课题“中高职一体化教育研究与实践”(KT2021222)。
关键词 产业链 现代学徒制 实践 探索 industrial chain modern apprenticeship practice explore
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