
国际比较视域下高校分类与分层的共生关系研究 被引量:2

Research on the Symbiotic Relationship between Classification and Stratification of Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of International Comparison
摘要 高校分层与分类作为院校分化的基本形式,常常处于一种矛盾但共生的状态。这种共生关系有四种典型模式,即强分层、弱分类的“圈层”系统,强分层、强分类的“分体系协同”系统,弱分层、弱分类的“二元平行”系统,弱分层、强分类的“专门性”系统。典型国家的实践表明,这些模式的形成主要受国家文化和教育传统、政府与市场的关系、高等教育内部分类与分层自然转化等影响;伴随系统扩张,高校分化受诸多因素影响,高等教育体系优化是系统工程,并没有最好的模式和方案。借鉴这些国家的经验,普及化阶段我国需要更高水平的院校多样性,要适应系统生态动态调整院校结构,发挥政府与市场在高校分层分类中的不同作用,提高高校分化政策的多样性和针对性。 Institutional stratification and classification,as the basic forms of HE differentiation,are often in a contradictory but symbiotic state.There are four typical modes of this symbiotic relationship,namely,a“circle”system with strong stratification and weak classification,a“sub-system cooperation”system with strong stratification and strong classification,a“binary parallel”system with weak stratification and weak classification,and a“specialization”system with weak stratification and strong classification.The practice in typical countries shows that the formation of these models is mainly influenced by national culture and educational tradition,the relationship between government and market,naturally internal transformation between classification and stratification of HEIs,etc.;also,with the expansion of the system,the differentiation of HEIs is affected by many factors so that the optimization of HE is a systematic and uncertain project.Drawing lessons from the experience of these models,China needs a higher level of diversity of HE in the popularization stage.It is necessary to adapt to the system ecology and dynamically adjust the structure of HE,give full play to the different roles of the government and the market in the differentiation of HE,and improve the diversity and pertinence of the relative policies.
作者 雷家彬 Lei Jiabin
出处 《国家教育行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第10期47-56,共10页 Journal of National Academy of Education Administration
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学2018年度一般课题“‘双一流’建设背景下高校分类管理政策与制度创新研究”(BIA180180)。
关键词 高校多样化 高校分类 高校分层 院校分化 共生 Diversification of HEIs Classification of HEIs Stratification of HEIs Institutional differentiation Symbiosis
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