
西方当下事件理论动向管窥——齐泽克和伊格尔顿的事件理论比较 被引量:1

A Glimpse into the Trend of Western Current Event Theory--Comparison between the Event Theories of Zizek and Eagleton
摘要 20世纪末以来,伴随着人们对意识形态的巨大危害性的明确认识和对文化话语与理论争辩的极度厌倦抵制情绪,西方理论界掀起了回归事物思潮,“事件”成为最热门的话题之一。大陆派的理论代表人物齐泽克的《事件》和英美派的代表人物伊格尔顿的《文学的事件》是事件学领域最前沿的成果。虽然由于立足点不同,齐泽克和伊格尔顿两人对事件的性质功能的看法各不相同,但由于理论语境和思想倾向相同,他们的关注点和思想目标完全一致:都将注意力从语言话语、文化结构转向物质实在、客观现实,都致力于借助事件解构现成语言话语、文化结构。这足以说明,当前西方理论界,无论是大陆派还是英美派,都在很大程度上走出了过去的语言游戏泥潭,走向了探索和建构事物本身的新境界。 Since the end of the 20 th century, with people’s clear understanding of the great harmfulness of ideology and extreme weariness of cultural discourses and theoretical debates, the trend of returning to things has been set off in the Western theoretical circle and event has become one of the hottest topics.Event written by Slavoj Zizek, the theoretical representative of the Continental School, and The Event of Literature written by Terry Eagleton, the representative of the Anglo-American School, are the most cuttingedge achievements in the field of event. Although they have different views on the nature and function of event for their different standpoints, Zizek and Eagleton have completely the same focus and goals of thought because of their same theoretical context and ideological tendency, that is, they both turn their attention from linguistic discourse and cultural structure to material substance and objective reality;they both are committed to deconstructing existing linguistic discourses and cultural structures with the help of event. That’s enough to show that the current Western theorists, both the Mainland School and the AngloAmerican School, have to a large extent walked out of the past quagmire of language games and moved towards a new realm of exploring and constructing things themselves.
作者 肖锦龙 XIAO Jinlong
机构地区 南京大学文学院
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第10期154-161,共8页 Academic Monthly
关键词 齐泽克 伊格尔顿 《事件》 《文学的事件》 后结构主义 言语行为理论 Zizek Eagleton Event The Event of Literature post-structuralism speech act theory
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