

The Evolution of the Policy towards the Ainu in Japan:From“Otherness”to“Diversification”
摘要 近些年,以“单一民族国家”为自豪的日本着手修改长期以来否认土著民族之存在的立场,转而承认、尊重和包容阿伊努民族及其文化的自主发展。日本对阿伊努民族政策的转型意味着其对国内少数民族强制同化政策的纠正,也是将族际关系的治理模式从“他者化”转向“多元化”的重要表现之一。多元文化主义理念在当代日本取得一定的成果,对其土著民族、新老移民等少数群体发展本民族文化及争取相应权益意义重大。然而,多元文化政策在日本的实践并非是弱化国家共同体认同的措施,而是通过建构多族类文化共生模式来加强国家认同的一种尝试,其效果如何还需历史和现实的检验。 In recent years,Japan,which prides itself on being a“coherent state”,has revised its long-standing denial of the existence of indigenous peoples to recognize,respect and tolerate the autonomous development of the Ainu and their culture.The transformation of Japan's policy towards the Ainu not only means the correction to the mandatory assimilation policy for ethnic minorities,but also means that it is one of the manifestations of the governance model of clan relationship with a shift from“otherness”to“diversification”.The achievement of multiculturalism in contemporary Japan is of great significance to the development of ethnic cultures and the struggle for corresponding rights and interests of indigenous peoples,immigrants and other minority groups.However,as a national policy introduced by Japan,the policy of multicultural symbiosis is not a measure to weaken the identity of the national community,but an attempt to strengthen the national identity by constructing a multi-ethnic cultural symbiosis model,but its effects have yet to be tested in history and reality.
作者 林圣爱 LIN Shengai(School of Management, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100081, China)
出处 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期51-55,共5页 Journal of Yunnan Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家民委民族问题研究重点项目“世界民族自治概览研究”(2015-GM-177)阶段成果。
关键词 日本 阿伊努人 民族政策 同化主义 多元文化主义 Japan the Ainu ethnic policy assimilationism multiculturalism
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