

Ideological Structure of Lüshi Chunqiu and the Art of Rulership Therein:Series Rewriting the Pre⁃Qin Intellectual History
摘要 《吕氏春秋》是战国末期秦相吕不韦集合门客编撰的一部探讨帝王之道的集大成著作。它把“道生万物”的道家思想与“阴阳五行”学说融合在一起,将自然、社会、天国、人间的万物编织成一个同源同构、同类互感的整饬系统,提出物从其类、以人法天、祸福人召、必己慎人的主张,进而提出统一六国的帝王理想以及因势利导、尚德爱民、利群贵公的大政方针,孝亲俭葬、导欲上农、高义贵信、赏罚必当、以义为战的具体政策,和君术贵因、臣道贵为的君臣分职之术。它还基于取天下先取身的思路,对人性的本质及清心寡欲、尊师劝学、保生全性的修养之道作了进一步探讨。《吕氏春秋》杂取百家精义,上揆之天、下验之地、中审之人,从爱民利民、尚贤贵公、外王内圣的角度建构了“执一”“不二”的帝王之道,包罗万象,见识不凡,至今仍有很强的现实参考意义。 Lüshi Chunqiu(Master Lü’s Spring and Autumn Annals)is an encyclopedic Chinese classic text on the art of rulership compiled under the patronage of the Qin Dynasty(221⁃06 BC)Chancellor LüBuwei(吕不韦292⁃235 BC)at the end of the Warring States Period(475⁃221 BC).Combining the Taoist thought of“Tao gives birth to all things”with the theory of“Yin Yang and Five Elements,”it weaves all things in nature and society,between Heaven and the earth,into a well⁃organized homologous and isomorphic system with interactions between the like.It puts forward the proposition that like attracts like,human modeling the natural,misfortune and happiness are caused by people,and“biji必己”(self⁃certainty/affirmation of self⁃cultivation)and“shenren慎人”(“being mindful of others”).It further puts forward the imperial ideal of unifying the six states,as well as the fundamental principles,such as guiding people according to the situation,loving one’s subjects and exalting the virtuous,benefiting the people and honoring impartiality;the specific policies,such as filial piety and thrifty burial,“daoyu导欲”(“facilitating and regulating the fulfillment of human desire”)and“shangnong上农”(“emphasising agriculture”),“gaoyi高义”(“elevating the virtue of integrity”)and“guixin贵信”(“venerating credibility”),proper reward and punishment,and fighting for righteousness;and the strategies for the separation of duties between the ruler and his officials,i.e.,the art of rulership“guiyin贵因”(“venerates being in accord with situational factors”)while the way of officials“guiwei贵为”(“venerates action”).Based on the idea that one needs to conquer himself before he conquers the world,this book also discusses the essence of human nature and the self⁃cultivation by way of purging one’s mind of desires and ambitions,honoring teachers and encouraging learning,and preserving life and keeping human character intact.The book is all⁃inclusive and insightful,and still has practical reference.
作者 祁志祥 QI Zhixiang(Institute of Arts and Humanities,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第6期1-23,共23页 Journal of Hebei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“先秦思想史:从神本到人本”(项目编号:19FZXB060)。
关键词 《吕氏春秋》 天人感应 帝王之道 爱民尚贤 利群贵公 保生全性 Lüshi Chunqiu(Master Lü’s Spring and Autumn Annals) interaction between Heaven and man the art of rulership loving one’s subjects and exalting the virtuous benefiting the people and honoring impartiality preserving life and keeping human character intact
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