针对利用可见光图像检测AFP铺层表面缺陷受光源条件差、预浸纱纹理对比度低等因素影响,检测结果不理想,提出一种基于改进CenterNet的AFP铺层表面红外图像缺陷检测方法,提高AFP铺层表面缺陷检测性能。首先,针对CenterNet模型参数数量过多而工控机硬件配置有限的问题,提出利用基于ASFF的轻量级MobileNetV3作为骨干网络,构建轻量级anchor-free检测模型AFPCenterNet,减少网络参数数量的同时降低计算机存储资源占用率。然后,针对高斯核函数带宽参数的求解,提出一种根据ground-truth bounding box长宽比自适应调整带宽参数的方法,减小负样本数量,降低网络模型的损失误差。实验结果表明,改进后的AFP-CenterNet在AFP红外数据集上的AP为90.2%,模型内存容量为12.9 MB,使用GPU加速时单张检测时间为52 ms。和原有的CenterNet骨干网络相比,AFP-CenterNet检测精度略差于DLA-34,和ResNet-101相当,比ResNet-18高7.7%,内存占用率和DLA-34、ResNet-101、ResNet-18相比分别降低83.2%、93.6%和78.6%。和SSD、YOLOv3相比,AFP-CenterNet模型的AP分别提升9.6%和8.3%,内存占用量降低85.1%和94.5%。在不使用GPU加速的条件下,改进后的AFP-CenterNet的检测速度和CenterNet、SSD、YOLOv3相比提高近一倍,具有明显的检测优势。
To solve the problem that the low defect detection accuracy on fiber laminated surface in Automated Fiber Placement(AFP) process based on visible images influenced by poor light source, low texture contrast of prepreg and other factors, a method for defect detection of laminated surface infrared images in AFP process based on improved CenterNet was proposed to improve defect detection performance on laminated surface in AFP process. First of all, due to the limit on hardware configuration of IPC, and large amounts of parameters on CenterNet model, lightweight MobileNetV3 network based on ASFF was utilized as the backbone network of AFP-CenterNet model to construct an anchor-free and lightweight detection model and reduce the number of network parameters and the occupancy of storage resources. Then, as for solving the bandwidth parameters of Gaussian kernel function, a method of adaptive adjustment of bandwidth parameters according to the aspect ratio of ground-truth bounding box was proposed to reduce the number of negative samples and loss error.Experimental results reveal that the improved AFP-CenterNet owns 90.2% AP in defect detection accuracy on the AFP infrared data set, 12.9 MB in model memory capacity, and 52 ms in detection time of a single sheet.Compared with the original backbone of CenterNet, detection accuracy of AFP-CenterNet is slightly worse than that of DLA-34, almost same with that of ResNet-101 and 7.7% higher than that of ResNet-18. Moreover,compared with DLA-34, ResNet-101 and ResNet-18, the model capacity of AFP-CenterNet decreased by 83.2%,93.6% and 78.6% respectively. As for comparison with typical anchor-based network such as SSD and YOLOv3,AFP-CenterNet owns higher detection accuracy with specific 9.6% and 8.3%, and lower model capacity respectively reduced by 85.1% and 94.5%. Time spent on defect detection of AFP-CenterNet is nearly half that of CenterNet, SSD and YOLOv3 without using GPU to accelerate.
Wang Xuan;Kang Shuo;Zhu Weidong(School of Mechanical and Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China;State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems,College of Mechanical Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China;Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technology of Zhejiang Province,College of Mechanical Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China)
Infrared and Laser Engineering