
形成性评价在高校历史专业课程评价中的实施策略 被引量:2

摘要 一直以来,我国高校历史专业课程评价以终结性评价为主,忽略了对学生学习过程的关注,缺少对学生学习效果的反馈,既难以促进学生全面发展和个性化发展,也无法适应我国高等学校教育教学改革的要求。新时期历史专业课程评价,应贯彻以学生为中心的教育理念,构建科学的评价指标,借助信息技术优势,延伸学习过程,多维度收集学生学习信息,建立健全学习评价反馈机制,促进历史课程评价内涵发展。 For a long time,the evaluation of college history major has been based on summative evaluation,it cannot adapt to our national college educational and teaching reform,for ignoring the attention to the student's learning process,lacking the feedback process of students'learning performance,and it is difficult to promote the overall development and personality development of students.In the new era of history major course evaluation,we should stick to the student-centered educational concept,construct scientific evaluation systems,extend the learning process with the help of information technology,collect student learning information in multiple dimensions,establish and improve the learning evaluation feedback mechanism,and promote the intension development of history course evaluation.
作者 王雪梅
出处 《高教学刊》 2021年第32期121-124,共4页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 吉林省高等教育教学改革研究课题“以形成性考核为导向的历史专业课程评价方式的探索与实践”(编号:SJYB2018002)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 形成性评价 历史课程 存在问题 实施策略 formative evaluation history course exsiting problems implementation strategy
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