
不同阶段猪用颗粒饲料物理性能的对比分析 被引量:2

A Comparative Study on Physical Properties of Pig Pellet Feeds at Different Growth Stages
摘要 对某饲料厂不同阶段猪用4种颗粒饲料的物理性能包括直径、长度、硬度、容重、含粉率和耐久性指数(Pellet Durability Index,PDI)等进行测定,对结果进行归类总结并采用统计学的方法参照有关标准进行分析。结果表明,4种颗粒饲料直径在2.87~3.94 mm之间,母猪料直径最大,小猪料最小,两两之间差异显著(P<0.05),而且随着猪只年龄的增加,颗粒饲料的直径呈递增趋势。颗粒长度在8.62~11.94 mm之间,以大猪料最长,小猪料最短,长径比偏高。颗粒硬度在3.86~6.47 kg之间,以大猪料最大,小猪料最小,中小猪料显著低于大猪料和母猪料(P<0.05),只有小猪料符合有关要求。颗粒容重在576.7~614.6 g/L之间,母猪料最大,小猪料最小,两两之间差异显著(P<0.05),与直径呈相同的增减趋势。含粉率以小猪料最大,且只有小猪料与大猪料之间差异显著(P<0.05)。颗粒PDI以大猪料最大,小猪料最小,各阶段猪料的含粉率和PDI均符合有关要求。建议饲料厂家注重颗粒饲料物理性能指标的控制,调整饲料配方和工艺参数,不断改进颗粒饲料的质量。 The physical properties including diameter,length,hardness,bulk density,powder content and PDI(Pellet Durability Index)were measured for pig pellet feeds at different growth stages from a local feed mill.The results were classified and analyzed statistically referring to related standards.The results showed that the diameter was 2.87 ~3.94 mm with significant differences between each other(P <0.05) and increased with rise of pig age,it was the largest for sow feed and smallest for small pig feed.The particle length was8.62~11.94 mm,it was the largest for large pig feed and the smallest for small pig feed.The length-diameter ratio was too high.The pellet hardness was 3.86~6.47 kg,it was the highest for large pig feed and the lowest for small pig feed.Hardness of small and medium pig feed was significantly lower than that of large pig feed and sow feed(P<0.05).Only small pig feed met hardness requirement.The bulk density was 576.7~614.6 g/L,which showed significant differences between each other and changed with the same trend of diameter.It was the highest for sow feed and the lowest for small pig feed.The powder content of small pig feed was the highest and only the difference between small pig feed and large pig feed was significant(P<0.05).PDI was the highest for large pig feed and the lowest for small pig feed.All feeds met related standards for powder content and PDI.Therefore,we suggest that feed manufacturers should pay attention to physical indices control by regulation of formula and processing param eters to improve physical quality of pellet feed.
作者 王进部 陈归园 王家乐 王雨 齐胜利 WANG Jinbu;CHEN Guiyuan;WANG Jiale;WANG Yu;QI Shengli(Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou 450046,China)
机构地区 河南农业大学
出处 《中国猪业》 2021年第5期44-47,共4页 China Swine Industry
关键词 颗粒饲料 直径 长度 硬度 容重 含粉率 耐久性指数 pellet feed diameter length hardness bulk density powder content PDI
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