
中国社会主要矛盾转变与党对经济工作的领导 被引量:7

The Transformation of the Main Social Contradictions in China and the CPC’s Leadership over Economic Work
摘要 中国共产党成立百年来,始终保持为人民谋幸福、为中华谋复兴的初心使命,面对国内外复杂多变的形势,以马克思主义立场观点分析中国社会的主要矛盾,制定党的基本路线和工作方针,领导中国人民从一个胜利走向又一个胜利。新中国成立以来,中国共产党对中国社会主要矛盾的判断可以划分为四个阶段:一是主要矛盾是阶级矛盾时期,二是主要矛盾判断反复时期,三是人民日益增长的物质文化需要与社会生产力发展相对落后矛盾时期,四是人民对美好生活需要与发展不平衡不协调时期。基于对这四个阶段主要矛盾的判断,中国共产党制定了不同时期的经济工作路线方针:在新中国成立后的过渡时期,完成了社会主义改造,建立公有制经济基础;1978年之前的社会主义建设时期,尽管中间出现误判和曲折,但建设工业化国家的梦想没有变,集中力量建设国家重大工业项目;1978年以后,以全面建成小康社会为主线,深化经济体制改革,建立社会主义市场经济,扩大对外开放,加入全球产业分工体系,经济规模跃升全球第二,贸易规模全球第一,实现了建党百年之时全面建成小康社会的伟大目标;党的十九大以后,党领导中国人民着力解决发展不平衡和不充分的问题,以建设社会主义强国为第二个百年奋斗目标,以新发展理念为指导实现更加全面更可持续的发展,以新发展格局开创新时代的发展空间,以建设现代化经济体系为工业化的更高形态。总结中国共产党经济工作的成功经验,最根本的一条就是坚持以人民为中心、坚持用马克思主义的立场观点方法分析问题和解决问题。 Over the past century,the Communist Party of China(CPC)has always maintained its original mission of welfare for the people and rejuvenation for China since its founding.In the face of the complicated and changeable situation at home and abroad,the CPC analyzes the main contradictions of Chinese society from the standpoint of Marxism,formulates its basic line and work policy,and leads the Chinese people from one victory to another.Since the founding of China,the CPC’s judgment on the main contradictions of Chinese society has been divided into four stages:the first is the period of class contradictions,the second is the period of repeated judgment on the main contradictions,the third is the period of contradiction between the growing needs of the people’s material and cultural life and the relatively backward development of social productive forces,and the fourth is that the people’s needs for a better life and the social and economic development are unbalanced and uncoordinated.Based on the judgment of the main contradictions in these four stages,the CPC has formulated the economic work lines and policies in different periods:after the founding of China,the socialist transformation was completed and the foundation of public ownership economy was established during the new democratic revolution.During the period of socialist construction before 1978,the dream of building an industrialized country remained unchanged and it concentrated on building major national industrial projects despite some misjudgments and twists and turns.After 1978,with building a well-off society in an all-round way as the main line,the CPC led the Chinese people to deepen the reform of the economic system,establish a socialist market-based economy,expand the opening to the outside world,and join the global industrial division system.The economic scale of China presently ranks second and its trade scale ranks first in the world,realizing the great goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way when the CPC was founded a century ago.After the 19 th National Congress of CPC,the CPC led the Chinese people to strive to solve the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development,take building a socialist power as the second Centennial goal,take the new development concept as the guidance,achieve more comprehensive and sustainable development,create a new era of development space with a new development pattern,and take building a modern economic system as a higher form of industrialization.To sum up the successful experience in economic work of the CPC,the most fundamental one is that it adheres to the people-centered and Marxist position,viewpoint and method to analyze and solve problems.
作者 史丹 SHI Dan(Institute of Industrial Economics CASS,Beijing 100836,China)
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第10期5-19,共15页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“推进新型工业化与经济体系优化升级研究”(批准号21ZDA021)。
关键词 建党百年 社会主要矛盾 经济建设 one hundred years since the founding of the CPC main social contradictions economic construction
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