
斐济的印度移民:历史演变及影响 被引量:3

Indian Immigrants in Fiji:Their Historical Development and Influence
摘要 太平洋岛国斐济是土著斐济人的故乡,1874年沦为英国的殖民地。英国殖民政府为发展种植园经济,从1879年到1916年,从印度引进了大量契约劳工。印度商人、教师等接踵而至。印度移民的到来,一方面打破了斐济以农业生产为主的传统经济形态,推动了多样化经济的发展,形成了农业、畜牧业、商业和交通运输业综合发展的经济格局,使斐济通过为国际市场提供原料卷入资本主义世界体系之中;另一方面,极大改变了斐济的人口结构,进而对斐济的宗教、文化、教育甚至政治产生了重大影响。不过,印度移民的到来也使土著斐济人失去赖以为生的部分土地,破坏了斐济原有的生态环境,造成了斐济两大民族即土著斐济人与印度裔斐济人的矛盾与冲突。印度移民给斐济带来的这些变化,给我们发展中斐关系提出新的课题,我们在处理中斐关系时应充分重视印度移民的影响力。 The Pacific island Fiji,once the home for the indigenous Fijians,became a British colony in 1874.To develop plantation economy,the British colonial authorities imported a large number of contracted laborers from India from 1879 to 1916.With the influx of immigrants came many Indian businessmen,teachers and people of other trades.On the one hand,the arrival of Indian immigrants disrupted the traditional economic pattern of Fiji featuring agricultural production and helped put into place a new economic development paradigm that valued economic diversification,hence giving boost to a comprehensive development of farming,animal husbandry,commerce and transportation in Fiji.In other words,they brought modern elements to Fiji and helped take Fiji into the capitalist system of the world as Fiji was turned into a source of raw materials for the international market.But on the other hand,their arrival has drastically changed the demographic structure of Fiji,thus having profound religious,cultural,educational,and even political influence on Fiji.Moreover,Indian immigrants have also taken some land from the native Fijians and done damages to the local natural environment,which has given rise to serious contradictions and great conflicts with the native Fijians.These changes brought by Indian immigrants to Fiji call China to pay enough attention to the Indian immigrants there and their influence when developing its relations with Fiji.
作者 吕桂霞 Guixia Lyu
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期33-44,共12页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“斐济独立后的对外关系研究”(18BSS027)的阶段性成果。
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