
我国穴位注射治疗产后尿潴留的文献计量分析 被引量:1

Bibliometric analysis of acupuncture point injection therapy for postpartum urinary retention in China
摘要 目的分析我国穴位注射治疗产后尿潴留的研究现状与发展趋势,为今后研究提供参考。方法计算机检索CNKI、Wanfang、VIP数据库,检索穴位注射治疗产后尿潴留相关文献,检索时限为数据库建库至2020年12月31日。运用NoteExpress、Excel、Bicomb工具对文献进行分析。结果共纳入110篇文献;文献刊载于78种期刊上,发文量前5位期刊中,护理类期刊仅有1种;第一作者来自23个省、自治区和直辖市,其中山东省发文量较多,为26篇(23.6%);作者机构以综合性医院(59.1%)、中医院(17.3%)和专科医院(13.6%)为主;单篇文献最高被引35次,获得基金文献仅5篇;研究类型以疗效验证性研究为主,穴位选择上采用较多为足三里,其次为三阴交,药物选择使用最多的为新斯的明,评价指标多集中于首次排尿时间及膀胱残余量;经Bicomb 2.0软件提取,其中产后尿潴留为高频关键词。结论穴位注射可有效改善产妇产后尿潴留症状,但仍需要以中医理论作为指导,规范穴位选择,深入机制研究,拓宽研究的深度与广度。 Objective To analyse the research status and development trend of acupoint injection in the treatment of postpartum urinary retention in China,and provide reference for future research.Methods The databases of CNKI,Wanfang and VIP were retrieved by computer.The relevant literature on post partum urinary retention was searched by point injection.The time limit for searching was from database construction to December 31,2020 and the literature were analyed by NoteExpress,Excel and Bicomb tools.Results A total of 110 literatures were included.The literatures were published in 78 journals,and only one of the top 5 journals was nursing journal.The first author came from 23 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities,of which 26(23.6%)were published in Shandong province.The authors were mainly general hospitals(59.1%),traditional Chinese medicine hospitals(17.3%)and specialized hospitals(13.6%).The single document was cited 35 times,and only 5 articles received founds.The research type was mainly based on efficacy verification study.The choice of acupoints was mostly Zusanli,followed by Sanyinjiao.The most commonly used drug was Neostigmine.The evaluation indexes were mostly focused on the first voiding time and bladder residual volume.After Bicomb 2.0 software extraction,postpartum urinary retention was a high frequency keyword.Conclusion Acupuncture point injection can effectively improve the symptoms of postpartum urinary retention,but still need to be guided by the Chinese medicine theory,standardize the selection of points,study the mechanism deeply,and broaden the depth and breadth of research.
作者 毛亚娇 张广意 姚彦蓉 马红雅 郑栋莲 米光丽 MAO Ya-jiao;ZHANG Guang-yi;YAO Yan-rong;MA Hong-ya;ZHENG Dong-lian;MI Guang-li(College of Nursing,Ningxia Medical University,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,Yinchuan 750004,China;Department of Obstetrics,Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,Yinchuan 750004,China;Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery,General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,Yinchuan 750004,China;Department of Nursing,General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,Yinchuan 750004,China)
出处 《中国当代医药》 CAS 2021年第31期9-13,共5页 China Modern Medicine
基金 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划(科技惠民)项目(2016KJHM53)。
关键词 穴位注射 产后尿潴留 文献计量学 分析 Acupuncture point injection Postpartum urinary retention Bibliometrics Analysis
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