
钢轨吸振器振动能量的多模态压电式俘能研究 被引量:3

Research on Multi-modal Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Technology of Rail Vibration Absorber
摘要 提出一种结合钢轨吸振器与多模态压电式俘能器的新型振动能量回收技术,在有效减轻轨道振动的条件下,回收钢轨吸振器的振动能量为各类轨道监测设备供能。通过建立车轮-轨道-吸振器系统的振动分析模型,研究了能量回收模块对吸振器减振性能的影响规律,并使用谐响应分析研究了能量回收模块的发电能力。分析结果显示,当多模态能量回收装置安装在钢轨吸振器上时,不会对钢轨吸振器的减振性能产生明显影响。并且,多模态结构能有效拓宽0~600 Hz频率范围内的振动能量回收频带,提高振动能量的回收效率。 In this paper,a multi-modal piezoelectric energy harvesting device which based on rail vibration absorber was established.This device not only can reduce the track vibration effectively,and also harvest the vibration energy of rail vibration absorber.The effect of piezoelectric energy harvesting module on vibration absorption efficiency of the vibration absorber has been studied base on an elastic vibration model of the wheel-rail-absorber system.And the power generation capacity of piezoelectric energy harvesting module has been analyzed with the harmonic response method.The simulation results show that the energy harvesting module has little influence on the absorption efficiency of vibration absorber when it has been installed.Moreover,the multi-modal structure can broaden the frequency band of vibration energy harvesting effectively in the frequency range of 0~600 Hz,and increase the harvesting efficiency of vibration energy.
作者 钱韦吉 雍胜杰 QIAN Weiji;YONG Shengjie(School of Mechatronic Engineering,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,China)
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期1657-1663,共7页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51505396) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2016M602711)。
关键词 钢轨吸振器 振动能量 多模态 能量回收 rail vibration absorber vibration energy multi-model energy harvesting
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