

Strength checking and test verification of reactor pressure vessel temper bead remade thread
摘要 以某堆型反应堆压力容器主螺孔(M155×4)为研究对象,对反应堆压力容器主螺孔螺纹回火焊道焊接修复工艺进行了简述。对采用回火焊道焊接技术修复后的主螺孔再制螺纹强度进行了校核,并对主螺孔回火焊道再制螺纹进行了旋拧试验和拉伸试验验证。计算及试验结果表明:反应堆压力容器主螺孔回火焊道再制螺纹的抗剪切强度、抗挤压强度和抗弯曲强度均满足设计要求,主螺孔回火焊道再制螺纹的强度也满足其旋拧性能和拉伸性能要求。 Based on reactor pressure vessel stud hole(M155×4)of a type of pressurized water reactor,the temper bead welding repair process of reactor pressure vessel stud hole thread was briefly described.The strength of the remade stud hole thread repaired by temper bead welding technique was checked,and the screwing test and tensile test were also carried out.The calculation and verified test results show that the shear strength,compression strength and bending strength of the reactor pressure vessel stud hole temper bead remade thread meet the design requirements,and the strength of the remade stud hole thread also meets the requirements of its screwing and tensile performance.
作者 胡大芬 金亮 陈振伟 杨景超 许洪朋 HU Dafen;JIN Liang;CHEN Zhenwei;YANG Jingchao;XU Hongpeng(State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Power Safety Monitoring Technology and Equipment,Shenzhen 518172,China;Shenzhen China Nuclear Power Design Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518172,China)
出处 《电焊机》 2021年第11期99-105,I0010,共8页 Electric Welding Machine
关键词 反应堆压力容器 回火焊道焊接 主螺孔再制螺纹 强度校核 试验验证 reactor pressure vessel temper bead welding remade stud hole thread strength checking test verification
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