

Causes Analysis and Repair Method of the Abrasion of the Paper Machine Dryer Shaft Head
摘要 针对造纸机干燥部烘缸轴头磨损问题,根据烘缸检修与设备维护过程中常见的磨损情况。分析导致烘缸轴头磨损的原因,并针对烘缸轴头磨损情况,提出采用新型高分子复合材料的修复方法,待检修时现场进行修复。结果表明:通过实际现场修复案例,采用此种高分子复合材料的修复方法容易、维修时间短、工艺简便、节约费用,给烘缸维护带来一定方便。 Aiming at the abrasion of the shaft head of the drying cylinder in the paper machine,the causes of the shaft head abrasion are analyzed according to the common wear and tear in the process of overhauling the drying cylinder and equipment maintenance.And a new type of polymer composite material repair method is proposed according to this condition,which can be used for on-site repairing.The results show that through actual on-site repair cases,the repair method using this polymer composite material is easy,the repair time is short,the process is simple,and the cost is saved,which brings certain convenience to the maintenance of the dryer.
作者 孙馥明 李超 雷海龙 王海祥 张宝岩 Sun Fuming;Li Chao;Lei Hailong;Wang Haixiang;Zhang Baoyan(Machine Repair Branch,Mudanjiang 157013,Helongjiang,China;Automation Branch,Mudanjiang Hengfeng Paper Co.,Ltd.,Mudanjiang 157013,Helongjiang,China;Heilongjiang Jiajian Internet Technology Co.,Ltd.,Mudanjiang 157000,Heilongjiang,China;College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150001,China;School of Mechanical Engineering,Jiamusi University,Jiamusi 154007,Heilongjiang,China)
出处 《中华纸业》 CAS 2021年第22期40-42,共3页 China Pulp & Paper Industry
基金 黑龙江省省属高等学校基本科研项目(2017-KYYWF-0588)。
关键词 造纸机烘缸 烘缸轴头 磨损 修复方法 paper machine dryer dryer shaft head abrasion repair method
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