
企业参与现代学徒制的成本收益分析及启示 被引量:1

Cost-benefit Analysis and Enlightenment of Enterprise Participation in Modern Apprenticeship
摘要 作为最基本的社会经济组织,企业参与现代学徒制的意愿和行动必然受到成本收益因素的绝对影响。如何解决企业参与现代学徒制过程中对成本收益问题的担忧,无疑是实现现代学徒制双主体目标的主要瓶颈和最大障碍。通过分析企业参与现代学徒制的成本收益构成及各项目的影响程度,并据此提出与我国国情相应的解决策略,以期为我国现代学徒制在企业层面的推进提供参考。 As the most basic socio-economic organization,the willingness and actions of enterprises to participate in modern apprenticeship are bound to be absolutely affected by cost-benefit factors.How to solve the concerns about the cost and benefit of enterprises in the process of participating in the modern apprenticeship is undoubtedly the main bottleneck and the biggest obstacle to the realization of the dual-subject goal of the modern apprenticeship.By analyzing the cost-benefit structure of enterprises participating in the modern apprenticeship system and the degree of influence of various projects,this paper proposes corresponding solutions to my country's national conditions,in order to provide a reference for the promotion of modern apprenticeship in my country at the enterprise level.
作者 赵瑞婷 ZHAO Rui-ting(Department of Finance,Shanxi Management Vocational College,Linfen 041050,China)
出处 《湖北工业职业技术学院学报》 2021年第5期6-9,共4页 Journal of Hubei Industrial Polytechnic
基金 山西省2019年度教育科学“十三五”规划课题“我国中西部高职院校现代学徒制运行机制研究”(GH-19290)阶段性成果。
关键词 校企合作 现代学徒制 成本收益 School enterprise cooperation Modern apprenticeships Cost benefit
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