
智能互联与数据记忆——论一种技术拜物教的产生 被引量:12

Intelligent interconnection and data memory:A discussion about the Cause of a Kind of Technological Fetishism
摘要 基于资本主义生产关系而诞生的商品、货币、资本拜物教,使人们将社会物质生产关系理解为一切具体的事物表现,而不是整体物质生产关系与社会之间的关系。如今,一种基于数字经济时代物联网技术应用场景的新拜物教正在形成。这种技术拜物教促使人们习惯于将企业通过智能设备采集和使用个人数据的行为理解为一种仅在商业上个人隐私被侵犯的法律问题,而忽略其背后资本利用具体的技术设备和服务融入智能生活的产业真相:资本通过将用户的在线活动数据化,并产生"剩余数据"用于推动数据和技术的资本化运营。日常生活中的工具理性与实证主义的认识观进一步固化这种技术拜物教对人们的影响,智能互联的技术体验也让人们的生活方式更加符码化。要批判这种技术拜物教,必须坚持历史唯物主义立场,直面由它带来的现实问题并深度考察数字经济时代的生产关系,以警惕和防止资本无序扩张。 Based on the capitalist production relations,Commodity fetishism,currency fetishism and capital fetishism have made us pay more attention to the objects or details in the markets,such as the goods and currency,rather than focus on the whole relationship and organizations of social material production,to find out which contributes to our economic.Nowadays there is a new one called technological fetishism,which occurs in the digital economy society and relative circumstances with the development of our technologies in Internet of things/IoT.Due to the influence of technological fetishism,we are used to regard it is just a illegal event to violate our privacy by collecting our personal data in the IoT from smart devices for commercial purposes from the companies.However,it is true that the capital use specific technical equipment and services to integrate into our smart life,is transforming our online activity in a digital form and collecting the data online.The companies can gain the increasing profits of their own by generating the"surplus data"that can be analyzed to promote the capitalization strategy in using digital technology.The epistemology like instrumental rationality and positivism make this kind of technology fetishism as a common sence in our daily life,while people’s life style have become more symbolic wih the development of Intelligent interconnection technology.Therefore we have to face the problems caused by technological fetishism above,to discuss the deeper relationship in production of digital economy in the perspective of Marxism and historical materialism.We also need to be vigilant and prevent the challenge and contradiction given by the disorderly expansion of the capital in digital industry.
作者 黄在忠 HUANG Zaizhong(Department of philosophy,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
机构地区 南京大学哲学系
出处 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2021年第5期146-153,共8页 Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(016BZX016)。
关键词 拜物教 资本 数据 技术 生产关系 fetishism capital data technology production relations
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