
中国共产党对民族理论问题的百年探索与创新 被引量:1

The Communist Party of China s Exploration and Innovation of the Ethnic Theories over the Past 100 Years
摘要 从中国共产党成立前后至到十九大以来,百年来中国共产党的民族问题研究历史实际上是一部民族理论探索与创新史。党的几代领导人在民族问题研究中都强调并带头重视对中国基本国情的分析与把握,将马克思主义民族理论与中国实际结合,提出了符合中国国情的民族区域自治的基本理论,并寻找到了一条符合中国国情的解决民族问题的正确道路。在改革开放不断推进,根据形势的发展变化所创造的“中央民族工作会议”是具有中国特色解决民族问题的新模式。中国共产党在重大历史转折时刻,都推出重要的民族理论新成果,为民族工作实践及民族政策措施制定提供了理论指导,推动民族理论在新形势下的发展,形成经过实践考验的、科学的、有中国特色的民族理论体系,走出了一条中国特色解决民族问题的道路。 From the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC)to the opening of the 19th National Congress of the CPC,the CPC s history of studying ethnic issues over the past hundred years is actually a history of exploration and innovation of ethnic theories.Several generations of Party leaders have emphasized the importance of analyzing and understanding China s basic national conditions in the study of ethnic issues.By combining Marxist ethnic theory with China s real-life situation,they put forward a basic theory of regional ethnic autonomy following China s national conditions,find a correct way of solving ethnic problems,in accordance with the concrete conditions on the ground in China,and make constant progress in reform and opening up.The“Central Conference on Ethnic Affairs”was developed following the actual progress and changes in ethnic relations and is a new model with Chinese characteristics to solve ethnic issues.At every important historical turning point,the CPC gained valuable new ethnic theoretical insight.This achievement has provided intellectual guidance for ethnic work,setting ethnic policy,promoting the further development of the ethnic theories,forming a scientific yet practical ethnic paradigm with Chinese characteristics,and implementing a pathway with Chinese characteristics aimed at solving the ethnic problems in China.Attaching importance to national circumstances is one of the fine traditions of the CPC.Since its founding,the CPC has attached importance to China s basic national conditions,and the reason why the Chinese revolution could stay on course is also due to the CPC s choices made after in-depth analyses of national conditions.Based on an analysis of China s basic national circumstances,Chairman Mao Zedong spoke of“the relationship between the Han and ethnic minorities”in 1956;In 1987,Comrade Deng Xiaoping s emphasis on upholding the system of regional ethnic autonomy was also founded on China s essential national conditions.In the same way,based on China s condition,the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee,Xi Jinping,points out the undeniable need for problem-solving measures that follow both the unique Chinese characteristics as well as regional ethnic autonomy.Xi also stresses the significance of a better ethnic work in realizing the vision of the Chinese Dream.The history of ethnic work carried out under the leadership of the CPC over the past 100 years is part of the Party s history.The CPC s history in the study of ethnic issues over the past 100 years shows that the CPC,based on China s national conditions,has conducted long-term and consistent research on ethnic issues.The CPC has been courageous in theoretical exploration and innovation in different historical periods and has paid great attention to combining practical and theoretical innovation.Just as General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out:“The key to our Party s success in overcoming trials and tribulations lies in practical and theoretical innovation.”
作者 王珏 赵心愚 Wang Jue;Zhao Xinyu(Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第7期23-29,104,共8页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 四川省人文社科重点研究基地“青藏高原经济社会与文化发展研究中心” 西南民族大学中央高校基本科研业务费青藏高原经济社会与文化发展研究中心专项资助(2021PTJS09)资助
关键词 中国共产党 民族理论 民族问题 中央民族工作会议 the CPC ethnic theories ethnic issues the Central Conference on Ethnic Affairs
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