
新时代“彝语文+”应用型人才培养模式创新探究 被引量:1

An Exploration of the Innovation of the Applied Talent Training Mode of the“Yi Language+”in the New Era
摘要 我国高等教育从大众化迈向普及化的新时代背景下,面对民族地区专业技术人才匮乏的现状,既给高校民汉双语教育发展带来新机遇,也给高校培养“民汉兼通”的高素质“应用型”人才提出了新挑战、新要求和新任务,特别是彝汉双语高等教育惟有大力推进人才培养体系改革,不断创新人才培养模式与路径,进一步提高教育教学质量,才能适应民族地区高质量发展需求。本文主要从时代背景、建构历程、实施举措及成效等方面,对新时代“彝语文+”应用型人才培养模式创新的探索及实践进行探究,从而将人才培养和民族地区经济社会发展相结合,以适应新时代民族高等教育发展形势,进一步提升高校服务地方的能力。 This paper mainly explores the innovation and practice of the applied talent training mode of the“Yi Language+”in the new era,with respect to historical background,construction process,implementation measures,and results.It aims to combine talent training with economic and social development in ethnic minority areas,with the goals of adapting to the further development of higher education for ethnic minorities in the new era,and of improving the ability of colleges and universities to serve the local areas The innovation of the applied talents training mode of the“Yi Language+”has its own historical background.First,it is driven by the need of transformation and development of higher education in the new era.Second,it is to solve the bottleneck of bilingual talents shortage in ethnic minority areas.Third,it is to solve the inability of traditional education to adapt to societal demand for talents.And in fourth place,knowledge development stimulates the innovation of the talent training process.The implementation of the innovation of the applied talents training mode of the“Yi Language+”includes the following:i)meeting the needs of ethnic minority areas and improving students’ability to apply professional knowledge;ii)adjusting the curricula and reconstructing talent training programs;iii)intensify the classroom teaching reform and designing excellent majors and courses;iv)constructing a“1-2-3”guarantee system to strengthen teaching quality monitoring(i.e.a comprehensive teaching quality monitoring system with one center,two guarantees and three mechanisms:with the teaching process monitoring system as the center,the organization buildup and system construction as the guarantees,the evaluation mechanism,feedback mechanism,and supervision mechanism to carry out the teaching quality monitoring work);v)improving and strengthening the actual education system;vi)enhancing the design of professional teaching materials.After years of continuous exploration and practice,the applied talents training mode of the“Yi Language+”has achieved remarkable results in school upscaling,faculty buildup,teaching reforms,research-integrated teaching,talent training quality,and social services.It is mainly reflected in the following aspects:i)The school size is expanding day by day.ii)The quality of the teaching staff has been improving continuously.iii)Remarkable achievements have been made in teaching reform.iv)The effect of scientific research on the promotion of education is obvious.v)The quality of talents has been enhanced greatly.And vi)the effectiveness of social services is remarkable.
作者 曲木伍各 阿牛木支 邓明英 Qumu Wuge;Aniu Muzhi;Deng Mingying(School of Yi Language and Culture,Xichang University,Xichang,Sichuan,615022,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第7期48-55,107,共9页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 四川省2018-2020高等教育人才培养质量和教学改革重点项目“新时代‘彝语文+’应用人才培养模式探索与实践”(JG2018-790)、西昌学院双高项目“高校彝汉双语人才培养模式创新研究”(LGLS201807)的阶段性成果。
关键词 “彝语文+” 应用型人才 培养模式 时代背景 实施举措 “Yi language+” the applied talents training mode historical background implementation measures
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