The story of Kou Qianzhi meeting gods twice during his seeking of transcendence in the Songshan Mountain recorded in the“Treatise on Buddhism and Daoism”of the Book of Wei,was an elaborate religious narrative.In particular,the years and dates which were covered by the signs of ganzhi(Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches)were delicately selected to form a set of secret time codes.First,the gods descended twice but both on October 5th,which was the third and most important gathering day of a year.It was more acceptable by believers,since according to some Daoist classics major gods would descend at the church on this day.Secondly,by using the art of date selection that concerned the relationship of ganzhi,two years in which the ganzhi of its beginning day coincided the one of October 5th had been picked out as the critical points of his religious career.The earlier Xinchou year was set as the start of his religious practice,and the second year of the Shenrui reign,in which the ganzhi of the year,the ganzhi of January 1st and the one of October 5th all coincided,was chosen to be the year when the Very High Lord showed himself and granted Kou the title of Heavenly Master.Thirdly,the date on which Li Puwen entitled Master Mutu descended was arranged in the eighth year of the Taichang reign and within a short time window,which was between the Northern Wei's conquest of Song-Luo region and King of Taiping's ascending imperial throne.This was definitely a rational choice made by Kou Qianzhi based on his observation on the politics outside the mountain.At last,between the eighth year of the Taichang reign and the Xinchou year,the Xinhai year was chosen as a midpoint aesthetically,but it was emphasized as a crucial year in his religious career which to some extent covered up the connection between Li Puwen's descending and the politics in secular world.
Literature,History,and Philosophy