

Game and Disparity:The Lost Game of Jin-ai Railway Preparation in the Late Qing Dynasty(1909-1910)
摘要 清末,中央政府、地方督抚和社会各阶层对铁路重要性的认识发生重大转变,借款筑路成为当时发展铁路事业的重要选择。具体到东北地区,引入欧美势力、实现均势外交是清廷与东北督抚的重要外交策略,但在借款问题上双方存在严重分歧。1909年锡良接任东三省总督后主张借英美资本修筑锦瑷铁路,并与美、英代表积极推进筑路事宜,导致日俄向清政府施压。日俄、美英、清廷与东北地方当局围绕锦瑷铁路借款计划进行的博弈,致使该路的筹建以失败告终,这也深刻体现出近代东北铁路建设的艰巨性及路权斗争的复杂性。 At the end of the Qing Dynasty,the central government,local governors and all classes of society have a major change in their understanding of the importance of railways.Borrowing and building roads became an important choice for the development of the railway industry in the late Qing Dynasty.Specific to the Northeast region,the introduction of European and American forces and the realization of balance of power diplomacy were important diplomatic strategies of the Qing court and the governor of Northeast China.However,there were serious disagreements between the central department of the Qing government and the local governor in the Northeast on the issue of borrowing.In 1909,after taking over the governorship of the three eastern provinces,Xi Liang advocated the use of British and American capital to build the Jin-ai Railway,and actively promoted road construction with US and British representatives.This action caused Japan and Russia to pressure the Qing government.In addition,there are serious disagreements between the central department of the Qing court and the local governor in the Northeast on the issue of borrowing.Japan,Russia,the United States,Britain,and the Qing court's central deployment and theNortheast local authorities in the game and the existing differences over the Jin-ai Railway Loan Plan resulted in the failure of the road construction,which deeply reflects the arduous construction of the Northeast Railway and complexity of the struggle for the right of way.
作者 袁文科 YUAN Wenke
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第6期106-118,共13页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
基金 辽宁省社科基金项目“中东铁路的修筑与东北亚政治格局的演变”(L17BZS004) 辽宁省社科基金项目“日本侵略战争与东北生态环境破坏研究”(L17BZS003) 安徽科技学院项目“近代战争与东北生态环境变迁”(10005)。
关键词 近代铁路史 锦瑷铁路 借款筑路 均势外交 清政府 锡良 东北当局 路权斗争 Modern Chinese railway history Jin-ai Railway borrowing to build railway balance of power diplomacy Qing government Xi Liang Northeastern authority railway rights struggle
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