
冯德尔历史剧《崇祯》:17世纪欧洲天主教视野下的明清鼎革 被引量:1

Vondel’s Historical Play Zungchin:The Ming-Qing Transition in the Perspective of 17th-Century European Catholicism
摘要 《崇祯》是17世纪荷兰伟大诗人及剧作家冯德尔唯一取材于中国的戏剧,因真实且及时地反映明朝末代皇帝崇祯的破家亡国悲剧而被称为欧洲第一部“中国风”文学作品。但由于资料匮乏、语言壁垒等原因,国内学界迄今鲜有学者关注到此人、此剧。细读剧本,结合冯德尔的人际交往及宗教信仰,不难发现卫匡国《鞑靼战纪》及东印度公司涉华报告是其主要素材来源。冯氏以古典主义悲剧的创作手法想象与演绎崇祯之死和明朝覆灭,尽管带有浓重的天主教神学观,却形象地彰显了西方世界对中国的好奇及这部戏剧在荷兰产生的时代必然性。 Among all the works of Vondel,the 17th-century great Dutch poet and playwright,Zungchin is the only play based on China.Because of its truthful and timely representation of Emperor Zungchin,the last emperor of Ming dynasty and his tragic downfall,it is viewed as the first Chinoiserie literary work in Europe.However,due to the lack of material as well as the language barrier,few scholars in China have paid attention to Vondel or Zungchin.Through reading the playscript carefully,with combination of Vondel’s interpersonal relationship and his religious beliefs,it is not difficult to find that Martino Martini’s Bul⁃lum Tartaricum of the Conquest of the Great and Most Renowned Empire of China and the East India Company’s China-related re⁃ports are the main material sources of Zungchin.Vondel imagined and interpreted the death of Zungchin and the fall of the Ming Dynasty with a classically tragic creative approach.Despite its strong Catholic theology,the play vividly demonstrated the curiosi⁃ty of the Western world towards China and its inevitability produced in the Netherlands.
作者 施晔 李亦婷 SHI Ye;LI Yiting
出处 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期60-70,共11页 Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金项目“东印度公司与启蒙时期欧洲的中国风”(17BZW133) 上海市哲社项目“东印度公司与中国文化西传文献整理与研究”(2021BWY008)的阶段性成果。
关键词 冯德尔 崇祯 明清鼎革 天主教 Vondel Zungchin Ming-Qing transition Catholicism
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  • 1Hollandtsche Mercurius 1 ( 1650), p. 26.
  • 2Edwin J. van Kley, "News from China: Seventeenth Century European Notices of the Manchu Conquest," Journal of Modern His- tory XLV -3 (1973) : 561 -582.
  • 3Hartmann Schedel's Liber chrdnicarum, Nurmberg, 1491. Reproduced in Anthony Grafton, New Worlds, Ancient Texts : The Power of Tradition and the Shock of Discovery, with April Shelford and Nancy Siraisi (Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard Univer- sity Press, 1992)20.
  • 4Hendrik Nieuhof, '" Dedication, " Her Gezantschap Der Nerlandtsche Oost-lndische Companie (Amsterdam: Jacob van Meurs, Boekverkooper en Plaatsnijder, 1665) 4.
  • 5Vondel, "Dedication," lines 75 - 76.
  • 6van derKley, p. 563.
  • 7van der Goes,"D'Ystroom," (Amsterdam, Albert Magus, 1682)3A.
  • 8Van der Goes, "D'Ystroom," Book Two, pp. 38 -39.
  • 9John E. Wills, Jr. , Embassies and Illusions: Dutch and Por- tuguese Envoys to K'ang-hsi, 1666 - 1687.
  • 10(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984), especially Chapter Two, "Pieter van Hoorn, 1666 - 1668 ," pp. 38 -71.










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