

Research on Public Risk Management of PPP Medical and Health Project--Taking Fujian Children’s Hospital PPP Project as an Example
摘要 PPP医疗卫生项目是我国PPP项目的重要组成部分,同时也是较易触发公共风险的领域。以福建省儿童医院PPP项目为例,分析PPP医疗卫生项目公共风险管理中存在的问题,如按合同约定风险分配具有局限性、项目与公众的信用风险管理缺失、医疗废物污染风险有待正视、法律诉讼风险管理需要加强等。提出合同分配公共风险要兼顾公众、采购和使用信用风险管理类服务、建立环境污染强制保险制度、构建防范化解法律诉讼多元方式等建议,以期提升对PPP医疗卫生项目公共风险的管理水平,完善PPP医疗卫生项目风险治理体系。 The PPP medical and health project is an important part of PPP project in China,and it is also an area that is easy to trigger public risk.Taking the PPP project of Fujian Children's Hospital as an example,this paper analyzes the problems existing in the public risk management of PPP medical and health projects from four aspects:the limitation of risk allocation according to the contract,the lack of credit risk management between the project and the public,the need to face up to the pollution risk of medical waste,and the need to strengthen the risk management of legal litigation.Then,this article correspondingly puts forward four suggestions:the public risk allocation of contracts should take into account the public,procurement and use of credit risk management services,the establishment of a compulsory environmental pollution insurance system,and the establishment of multiple ways to prevent and resolve legal proceedings in order to promote the management level of public risks of PPP medical and health projects and improve the risk management system of PPP medical and health projects.
作者 陶丽 李婵 田甜 TAO Li;LI Chan;TIAN Tian(School of Public Management,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,China)
出处 《福建商学院学报》 2021年第4期70-76,89,共8页 Journal of Fujian Business University
基金 国家自然科学基金“演化博弈视角下视频类知识付费内容著作权侵权风险分析及治理机制研究”(71804024) 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目“基于生态足迹理论的城市居民低碳消费行为研究”(JAS180097) 福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目“‘互联网+’背景下教育大数据挖掘与决策分析体系研究”(JAT170209)。
关键词 PPP医疗卫生项目 公共风险管理 风险治理 PPP medical and health project public risk management risk management
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