
国外文化遗产领域的新媒体应用与研究——兼谈对中国的参考借鉴意义 被引量:10

Application and Research of New Media in the Field of Foreign Cultural Heritage:On Referential Sig‐nificance to China
摘要 新媒体与社会同步发展、相互影响,是集媒介技术、工具形态、传播生态为一体的复合性概念。20世纪末以来,新媒体在国外文化遗产领域的广泛应用及影响主要表现为文化遗产保护利用技术及体系的创新和博物馆等文化遗产机构社会教育与服务模式的发展变革。新媒体应用相关研究呈现出多学科、跨学科及综合性研究的特点,研究议题主要涉及数字媒体与数字遗产及遗产本体的关系、新媒体应用的社会效应、新媒体应用问题及对策三方面。与国外相比,中国文化遗产领域的新媒体应用与研究具有中国自身的发展基础和特点,但在数字遗产基础理论及深层社会文化问题的研究探索方面,还有较大提升空间。从参考借鉴角度,展望中国文化遗产领域的新媒体应用发展,可以加强包括物质文化遗产和非遗在内的遗产全方位数字化科学保护管理为基础;以推进和完善以社区(社群)为基础的新媒体社会应用实践为抓手;以强化社会公众层面的数字遗产宣传教育和参与体验,使文化遗产融入大众生活为关键内容;以发挥建设各民族共有精神家园和铸牢中华民族共同体意识的积极作用为目标任务;将建立和加强数字遗产国际合作,推动跨国文化交流和世界文明互鉴,作为国家文化外交重要工作内容。 The synchronous development and mutual influence of new media and society is a complex concept integrating media technology,tool form and communication ecology.Since the end of the 20th century,the exten⁃sive application and influence of new media in the field of foreign cultural heritage mainly reflect in the innova⁃tion of the technical system of cultural heritage protection and utilization and the revolutionary development of the social education-service model of cultural heritage institutions such as museums.The research studies on the application of new media are characterized by multi-disciplinary,interdisciplinary and comprehensive re⁃search.The research topics mainly involve the relationship between digital media and digital heritage and its heritage ontology,the social effect of new media application,and the problems and countermeasures of new me⁃dia application.Compared with foreign countries,the application and research of new media in the field of cul⁃tural heritage in China has its own development basis and characteristics,but there is still much improvement which could be made in the research and exploration of the basic theory of digital heritage and deep social and cultural issues.From the perspective of reference and looking forward to the development of new media applica⁃tion in the field of cultural heritage in China,the comprehensive digital scientific protection and management of heritage as the foundation could be strengthened;to promote and improve the community based new media so⁃cial application practice as a focus could be promoted and improved;the public level of digital heritage publici⁃ty,education and participation experience,cultural heritage into the public life as a key content could be en⁃hanced;to play the positive role of building a common spiritual home for all ethnic groups and forging a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation as goal could be given;and the international cooperation on digital heritage and promote transnational cultural exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations as an im⁃portant part of China’s cultural diplomacy could be established and strengthened.
作者 桂榕 GUI Rong
出处 《原生态民族文化学刊》 CSSCI 2021年第6期60-72,154,155,共15页 Journal of Ethnic Culture
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“少数民族非遗的创造性转化与各民族共有精神家园建设研究”(20BMZ130) 云南大学民族学一流学科建设项目“新媒体时代边疆少数民族非物质文化的传承传播与创新发展研究”(2017SY10017)。
关键词 国外文化遗产 新媒体应用 数字遗产 科技传媒 foreign cultural heritage application of new media digital heritage science and technology media
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