
增施钙钾肥及有机肥替代对露地白菜产量和品质的影响 被引量:4

Effects of Increasing Calcium and Potassium Fertilizers and Partial Replacement of Chemical Fertilizer by Organic Manure on Yield and Quality of Chinese Cabbage in Open Field
摘要 研究不同优化施肥措施和有机肥替代部分化肥对白菜产量和品质的影响,以期为露地白菜优质高产栽培提供技术支持。在露地白菜上,施肥措施设不施肥(空白对照,CK)、常规施肥(施肥对照,T1)、优化施肥(减磷增钾,T2)、优化补充钙肥(减磷增钾增钙,T3)、95%常规施肥+生物有机肥750 kg/hm2(T4)、85%常规施肥+生物有机肥1500 kg/hm2(T5)和75%常规施肥+生物有机肥2250 kg/hm2(T6)6个处理,研究了增施钾肥、补充钙肥以及生物有机肥替代部分化肥对白菜产量、生物学性状、品质和收益的影响。结果表明:各施肥处理的白菜产量、单株重、纵径、横径以及Vc含量均较CK显著提高,其中,T3处理的指标值均为最高,分别较T1处理增加了2.21%、2.60%、2.03%、2.24%和14.82%,且差异均达到显著水平;T2处理的指标值均高于T1处理,其中单株重和Vc含量增加显著。有机肥替代部分化肥处理中,随着有机肥比例的增大,白菜产量、单株重和纵径均呈逐渐降低趋势,与T1处理相比,指标值除T4处理均不显著升高外,其他2个处理均表现降低,其中T6处理的产量和单株重降低显著;白菜横径呈逐渐降低趋势,与T1处理相比均降低不明显;白菜Vc含量呈逐渐增加趋势,与T1处理相比均表现升高,其中T5和T6处理增加明显。与T1处理相比,化肥优化施用处理和有机肥替代化肥处理的白菜硝酸盐均略有下降,但所有处理差异均未达到显著水平,其中有机肥替代部分化肥处理的效果优于化肥优化施用处理,且硝酸盐含量随着有机肥比例的增大而逐渐降低。与T1处理相比,各施肥处理的化肥吸收利用效率均有所提高,其中T3处理的指标值最高,有机肥替代部分化肥处理的指标值随有机肥比例的增大呈逐渐降低趋势。各施肥处理中,T3处理的收益最高,其次为T2处理,分别较T1处理增加了2.37%和0.79%;有机肥替代部分化肥处理的收益均低于T1处理,且指标值随有机肥比例的增大而逐渐降低。综合分析认为,增施钾肥、补充钙肥对提高白菜产量效果较好;有机肥替代部分化肥对提高白菜品质效果较好。 The effects of different optimized fertilization measures and organic fertilizer replacing part of chemical fertilizer on the yield and quality of Chinese cabbage were studied in order to provide technical support for high-quality and high-yield cultivation of Chinese cabbage in open field.The fertilization measures included no fertilization(blank control,CK),conventional fertilization(fertilization control,T)1,optimized fertilization(reducing phosphorus and increasing potassium,T2),optimized calcium supplement(reducing phosphorus,and increasing potassium and calcium,T3),95%conventional fertilization+biological organic fertilizer 750 kg/hm2(T4),85%conventional fertilization+biological organic fertilizer 1500 kg/hm2(T5),and 75%conventional fertilization+biological organic fertilizer 2250 kg/hm2(T6).The effects of increasing potassium fertilizer,supplementing calcium fertilizer and replacing part of chemical fertilizer by biological organic fertilizer on the yield,biological characters,quality and income of Chinese cabbage in open field were studied.The results showed that the yield,plant weight,longitudinal diameter,transverse diameter and Vc content of Chinese cabbage of each fertilization treatment were significantly higher than those of CK.Among them,the index values of T3 treatment were the highest,which increased by 2.21%,2.60%,2.03%,2.24%and 14.82%respectively compared with T1 treatment,and the differences reached a significant level.The index values of T2 treatment were higher than those of T1 treatment,and the plant weight and Vc content increased significantly.In the treatment of replacing part of chemical fertilizer by organic fertilizer,the yield,plant weight and longitudinal diameter of Chinese cabbage decreased gradually with the increase of the proportion of organic fertilizer.Compared with T1 treatment,the index values of the other two treatments decreased except T4 treatment,and the yield and plant weight of T6 treatment decreased significantly.The transverse diameter of Chinese cabbage decreased gradually,while the decrease was not obvious compared with T1 treatment.The content of Vc increased gradually,which was higher than that of T1 treatment,especially T5 and T6 treatments.Compared with T1 treatment,the nitrate content of Chinese cabbage of optimized fertilizations and orangic fertilizer replacing part of chemical fertilizer treatments decreased slightly,but the difference did not reach a significant level.The effect of organic fertilizer replacing part of chemical fertilizer was better than that of optimized fertilization treatment and the nitrate content decreased gradually with the increase of the proportion of organic fertilizer.The fertilizer absorption and utilization efficiency of each fertilization treatment improved,among which the index values of T3 treatment were the highest,and the index values of organic fertilizer replacing part of chemical fertilizer decreased gradually with the increase of the proportion of organic fertilizer.Among all fertilization treatments,T3 treatment had the highest income,followed by T2 treatment,which increased by 2.37%and 0.79%respectively compared with T1 treatment.The income of organic fertilizer replacing part of chemical fertilizer treatment was lower than that of T1 treatment,and the index values gradually decreased with the increase of the proportion of organic fertilizer.Comprehensive analysis showed that increasing potassium fertilizer and calcium fertilizer had a good effect on improving the yield of Chinese cabbage.Organic fertilizer replacing part of chemical fertilizer had a better effect on improving the quality of Chinese cabbage.
作者 王宏栋 韩冰 韩双 李冬刚 武明飞 刘文海 孙家涛 WANG Hong-dong;HAN Bing;HAN Shuang;LI Dong-gang;WU Ming-fei;LIU Wen-hai;SUN Jia-tao(Dezhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Dezhou 253015,China;Soil and Fertilizer Station of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Xiajin County,Xiajin 253200,China)
出处 《河北农业科学》 2021年第5期81-87,共7页 Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences
基金 山东省农业农村厅、山东省财政厅耕地保护与质量提升项目〔鲁农计财字(2020)47号〕。
关键词 生物有机肥 钙肥 钾肥 露地白菜 产量 品质 Biological organic fertilizer Calcium fertilizer Potassium fertilizer Open-field cabbage Yield Quality
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