
激光选区熔化成形nano-WC/CX钢微观组织及机械性能初探 被引量:13

Exploration on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the selective laser melted nano-WC/CX steel
摘要 为进一步提高激光3D打印CX不锈钢材料的机械性能,首先使用静电自组装方法对CX钢粉末表面进行了纳米WC粉末的修饰,之后对经纳米WC表面修饰的CX钢粉末进行了激光选区熔化成形(Selective laser melting,SLM),对比了添加体积分数5%的WC前后的SLM CX钢试样的机械性能.结合金相显微镜(OM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)及电子背散射衍射(EBSD)等材料表征手段,对SLM nano-WC/CX钢试样的微观组织结构、元素分布及相应机械性能进行了对比分析.结果表明:体积分数为5%的纳米WC的加入,对SLM nano-WC/CX钢的硬度提升有所帮助,使硬度值从352±8.2 HV_(0.2)提升至361±23.5 HV_(0.2);尽管纳米WC的加入使SLM nano-WC/CX钢的延伸率有所降低,但其最大拉伸强度则由1091.4±6.12 MPa提升到了1109.7±15.26 MPa.总之,初步探索可以发现,通过静电自组装方法,在CX钢粉末表面添加适量的纳米WC颗粒可以有效改善SLM CX钢的最终机械性能. In order to further improve the mechanical properties of the CX stainless steel,CX steel powders were surface modified via the nano-WC particles using the electrostatic self-assembly method first. Then,the nano-WC reinforced CX steel samples were fabricated via selective laser melting(SLM) technology.The microstructure characteristics,elements distribution and mechanical properties were compared between the SLM nano-WC/CX steel samples and SLM CX steel samples via a series of advanced material characterization methods including optical microscope(OM),scanning electron microscope(SEM),energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS),electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD)and etc. The results showed that the addition of 5 vol. % nano-WC promotes the hardness of the SLM nano-WC/CX steel to increase from 352±8. 2 HV_(0.2) to 361±23. 5 HV_(0.2). Although its elongation has been reduced,the ultimate tensile strength(UTS) has been increased from 1091. 4±6. 12 MPa to 1109. 7±15. 26 MPa. In short,after the preliminary explorations,it can be found that the nano-WC modified CX steel powders fabricated through the electrostatic self-assembly means can effectively enhance the mechanical properties of the SLM CX steel samples.
作者 常成 闫星辰 GARDAN Julien DENG Sihao BOLOT Rodolphe LIAO Hanlin CHANG Cheng;YAN Xingchen;GARDAN Julien;DENG Sihao;BOLOT Rodolphe;LIAO Hanlin(ICD-LASMIS,UMR CNRS 6281,University of Technology of Troyes,Troyes Cedex 10004,France;EPF,Ecole d’ingenieurs,Cedex 10004,France;The Key Lab of Guangdong for Modern Surface Engineering Technology,National Engineering Laboratory for Modern Materials Surface Engineering Technology,Institute of New Materials,Guangdong Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510650,China;ICB-PMDM UMR 6303,CNRS,University Bourgogne Franche-Comté,UBFC,Belfort 90010,France)
出处 《材料研究与应用》 CAS 2021年第4期309-317,共9页 Materials Research and Application
基金 广东省科学院建设国内一流研究机构行动专项资金项目(2021GDASYL-20210102005) 广东省基础与应用基础研究20211515010939,2020A1515111031 广州市产学研协同创新重大专项“燃气轮机关键零部件表面处理及维修”。
关键词 激光选区熔化 CX钢 纳米WC 静电自组装 机械性能 selective laser melting cx stainless steel nano-WC electrostatic self-assembly mechanical properties
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