目的基于Web of Science数据库对新生儿戒断综合征领域的文献进行文献计量学分析,以准确把握国际上该领域的研究态势,为进一步深入研究提供参考。方法系统检索1975年1月1日—2020年12月31日Web of Science数据库的文献,借助Hist Cite Pro 2.1、Vos viewer软件,对新生儿戒断综合征领域文献的分布特征、研究前沿和研究热点等进行文献计量学分析。结果共纳入989篇文献,美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国家在新生儿戒断综合征领域的研究处于较高水平。研究前沿包括非药物治疗和建立NAS注册管理系统。研究热点包括以药物治疗为主的临床研究和以发病率、卫生经济学为主的流行病学研究。结论国外在新生儿戒断综合征领域起步早,发展较为成熟,我国尚处于起步状态,在实践中可借鉴国外先进经验从管理模式构建、非药物治疗干预、健康教育和出院管理等方面着手开展实践及研究。
Objective To conduct bibliometrics analysis on the document in the field of neonatal abstinence syndrome(NAS)based on the Web of Science,so as to accurately grasp the international research trend in this field,and provide references for further in-depth research.Methods The documents from January 1,1975 to December 31,2020 were searched systematically in the Web of Science.Bibliometrics analysis was implemented from the distribution characteristics,research frontiers and research hotspots of the documents in the field of NAS using Hist Cite Pro 2.1 and Vos viewer.Results A total of 989 documents were included.The United States,Canada,Australia and other countries were at a high level of research in the field of NAS.Research frontiers included non-drug treatments and the establishment of a NAS registration management system.Research hotspots included clinical research focusing on drug therapy and epidemiological research focusing on morbidity and health economics.Conclusions Foreign countries start early and develop relatively mature in the field of NAS,while China is still in its infancy.In practice,we can learn from foreign advanced experience to start practice and research from management model construction,non-drug treatment,health education and discharge management.
Guo Nafei;Zhang Lan;Liu Ying;Li Junying;Jiang Hui(Obstetrics Department,the First Maternity and Infant Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University,Shanghai 201204,China;Nursing Department,the First Maternity and Infant Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University,Shanghai 201204,China)
Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing