
梵净山野生红菇矿质元素分布特征及土壤相关性分析 被引量:5

Distributive features of the mineral elements of the wild Russula in the nature reserve of Fanjing Mountain and its correlation analysis of the rhizosphere soil
摘要 为了开发利用梵净山自然保护区内野生红菇资源,需了解区内野生红菇中矿质元素质量比范围、分布和富集特征,并探究野生红菇菌盖和菌柄中矿质元素与土壤环境的相关性。本文采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定5种野生红菇菌盖、菌柄和根际土壤中12种矿质元素K、Ca、Na、Mg、Zn、Cu、Mn、Fe、Cd、Hg、Pb、As质量比,通过转移系数(TF)评价矿质元素在野生红菇菌盖和菌柄中的分布特征,并用菌盖、菌柄生物富集系数(BCFc、BCFs)评价野生红菇菌盖、菌柄对矿质元素的富集能力,最后用pearson相关系数评价野生红菇菌盖和菌柄与土壤环境相关性。结果表明:K是野生红菇菌盖和菌柄中质量比最高的大量元素,Fe是野生红菇菌盖和菌柄中质量比最高的微量元素。野生红菇菌盖中K、Mg、Cu、Mn、Cd和Hg质量比大于菌柄(TF>1),而野生红菇菌柄中Na质量比大于菌盖(TF<1)。野生红菇菌盖和菌柄富含人体必需常量元素和微量元素,但菌盖和菌柄中As、Cd、Hg和Pb元素质量比与国家限量标准对比,均超过限量标准,这与野生红菇的生长环境有关。梵净山野生红菇极具开发利用潜力,但在开发过程中,应重视有毒重金属带来的健康风险。 The given paper is aimed to provide a basic research method for developing a kind of wild Russula in the Fanjing mountainous reserve area.The said basic research method has been made successful through the investigation of the research contents and the bio-concentrative rate factors as well as the transfer factors of the mineral elements of the said wild Russula so as to clarify and make sure the actual correlation between the aforementioned characteristic features and the actual rhizosphere soil environment they were cultivated in.The experiment we have laid out can be illustrated as 5 species of wild Russula,with 42 fruit bodies,which can help to separate the cap from the stipe,with the contents of 12 mineral elements i.e.the elements of K,Ca,Na,Mg,Zn,Cu,as well as those of K,Mg,Cu,Mn,Cd and Hg,which can easily be transferred to the caps,whereas Na in it can also be easily transferred to the stripes.Besides,in terms to the bio-concentration factors of the 12 mineral elements,they also tend to vary with the particular species and the specific distributive features.As to the bio-concentration factor of K,it can be said tending to range from 10.05 to 20.94 in caps in a range from 9.10 to 12.00 in stripes.Moreover,the rhizosphere soil environment has also be found closely correlated with the mineral elements in the form of caps and stripes.And,so,it can be concluded that,wild Russula in the Fanjing Mountain Nature Reserve contains plentiful macro-elements and microelements,and therefore,it is of great worth to pay more and greater attention so as to make sure the health risks to be caused by the toxic heavy metal contents in the process of its exploration and development in the future.
作者 周少奇 高环 邓春英 胡雪筠 张菁 ZHOU Shao-qi;GAO Huan;DENG Chun-ying;HU Xue-jun;ZHANG Jing(College of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China;Guizhou Institute of Biology,Guiyang 550009,China)
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期2319-2328,共10页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合支撑[2019]2451-2号)
关键词 环境学 梵净山 野生红菇 矿质元素 土壤环境 相关性 environmentalology Fanjing Mountain wild Russula mineral elements rhizosphere soil environment correlation
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