

The Party's Cognition of the Major Social Contradictions during the Democratic Revolution and the Revelation
摘要 能否正确判断历史方位和社会主要矛盾,关乎党的事业成败。民主革命时期,中共二大对中国社会性质和中国革命性质作出了基本正确的判断,响亮地号召全国民众团结起来“打倒列强,打倒军阀”,真切反映了当时全国人民共同的政治诉求;土地革命战争中后期,由于对社会主要矛盾和阶级关系的判断发生失误,从而使党内出现了比较严重的关门主义和冒险主义错误;遵义会议后,由于党准确把握住中日民族矛盾这一国内主要矛盾,正确处理民族矛盾与阶级斗争的关系,倡导建立和积极巩固抗日民族统一战线,从而取得了抗日战争的伟大胜利。 Whether the Party can win or fail depends on whether the historical position and the major social contradiction can be spotted.The Second National Congress of the CPC made a fundamentally correct judgment on the nature of Chinese society and the China's revolution.The Party called on the people of the whole country to unite to defeat the imperialist power and bring down the warlords,which truly reflects the common political demands of the Chinese people at that time.In the middle and later period of the Land Revolutionary War,due to the mistakes in judging the major social contradictions and class relations,closed doorism and adventurism emerged in the Party.After the Zunyi conference,due to the Party's accurate grasp of the national contradiction between China and Japan as the principal domestic contradiction in China,the Party correctly handled the relationship between national contradiction and class struggle,established and consolidated the ti-Japanese national united front and achieved a great victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan.
作者 罗平汉 楚向红 Luo Pinghan;Chu Xianghong(Department of History of the CPC of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee&National Academy of Governance,Beijing,100091;Department of History of the CPC of the Party School of Henan Provincial Committee&Henan Academy of Governance,Zhengzhou Henan,450199)
出处 《沂蒙干部学院学报》 2021年第1期81-86,共6页
关键词 民主革命时期 主要矛盾 启示 period of democratic revolution major contradiction revelation
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