
从政党重塑基层:党建创新引领基层治理的实践透视 被引量:19

Rebuilding Grassroots by the Political Parties: The Practical Perspective of Party Building Innovation leading Grass-Roots Governance
摘要 基层治理是国家治理的基础,国家治理构筑于多样性的地方治理基础之上,党建统合是基层社会治理的独特优势,创新基层党建是提升党的基层执政和服务能力的重要途径。在我国探索社会治理现代化的实践中,各地深化基层党建创新,形成以体系重塑、平台再造、方法变革等内容为重点突破口和核心构成要件的系统化基层党建创新经验,这一经验可表述为"政党重塑基层"。基层党建创新因应地方经济社会发展和治理环境变革的现实复杂性,以价值引领为基本政治本色、以技术融合为突出时代特色、以优化治理为鲜明服务亮色,通过组织提质增效和技术赋能实现党建对基层社会治理的重塑。从政党重塑基层,关键在于党建要始终秉持以服务理念为先导的价值取向,与国家发展战略和地方发展需要相衔接,不断回应基层社会发展和民生领域中的突出现实问题,通过优化党组织嵌入和引领基层社会的制度、技术、平台和方法,提升服务基层社会有效治理的能力是政党重塑基层的生命线。 Grassroots governance is the foundation of national governance, which is built on the basis of diverse local governance. The integration of party building is the unique advantage of grassroots governance, and innovation in grass-roots party building is an important way to improve the Party’s governance and service capacity at the grass-roots level.In the practice of exploring the modernization of social governance in China, local governments have deepened the innovation of grass-roots party building, and formed systematic innovative experience of grass-roots party building with system remodeling, platform reengineering, method reform and other contents as the key breakthrough points and core components. This experience can be summarized as "the party remodeling grassroots". In response to the complexity of local economic and social development and governance environment change, the innovation of grass-roots party building can reshape the social governance at the grass-roots level by taking value guidance as the basic political essence, technology integration as the prominent age characteristics, and governance optimization as the distinct service highlight. The key to the reconstruction of the grassroots by the party is that the party should always adhere to the value orientation of the concept of service as the guide, align with the national development strategy and the needs of local development, and constantly respond to the outstanding practical problems in social development and people’s livelihood at the grassroots level.By optimizing the system, technology, platform and method that the party organization embeds and leads the grass-roots society, improving the ability to serve the grass-roots society effectively governs is the lifeline of the political parties to reshape the grass-roots society.
作者 邓正阳 向昉 Deng Zhengyang;Xiang Fang
出处 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期132-140,共9页 Socialism Studies
基金 2022年度中国人民大学中央高校建设世界一流大学(学科)和特色发展引导专项资金“党建创新与基层社会治理体系与治理能力现代化研究”(2022055) 2022年度中国人民大学中央高校建设世界一流大学(学科)和特色发展引导专项资金“中国社区一线互动的情感治理术”(2022037)。
关键词 基层治理 社会治理 治理创新 党建创新 政党重塑基层 Grassroots Governance Social Governance Governance Innovation Party Construction Innovation the Political Party Remodeling Grassroots
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