
基于模糊控制的永磁同步电机控制系统研究 被引量:4

摘要 永磁同步电机是一个非线性、强耦合的复杂系统,很难对其进行精确的数学建模。然而传统的双闭环PI控制策略研究的是线性时不变的控制问题,不过,这样一种控制方式不能有效地保证系统的正常运行,因此文章采用了模糊PI的控制策略,将模糊控制理论与PID策略相结合,设计了参数自整定模糊PI调节器,以此来取代速度环和电流环上传统的固定增益PI调节器,通过SimuLink仿真证明了模糊PI的可行性。 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor(PMSM)is a nonlinear and strong coupling complex system,so it is difficult to model it accurately.However,the traditional double closed-loop PI control strategy studies the linear time-invariant control problem,and such a control method cannot effectively ensure the normal operation of the system.Thus,this paper adopts the fuzzy-PI control strategy,the fuzzy-PI control theory and the PID strategy,there by a parameter self-tuning fuzzy PI regulator is designed to replace the traditional fixed gain PI regulator on the speed loop and current loop.The feasibility of fuzzy PI is proved by Simulink simulation.
作者 姬浩然
出处 《科技创新与应用》 2021年第34期28-31,35,共5页 Technology Innovation and Application
关键词 永磁同步电机 模糊控制 增益 速度 permanent magnet synchronous motor fuzzy control gain speed
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