

Method for Improving Coercivity of Sintered NdFeB Magnet Used in Driving Motor
摘要 烧结钕铁硼目前面临急需解决的问题是磁体实际矫顽力仍不到理论值的1/3,使磁体温度稳定性差。针对目前35EH、38UH等高牌号生产中的共性关键技术问题,即添加铽镝含量高、低温度系数、磁取向不均匀,制成磁体时密度低,取向度和耐腐蚀性差等问题,提出了一些自己的看法,即改进制备工艺条件、熔炼合金化和边界调控技术三个方面的想法。 At present,the problem of sintered NdFeB is that the actual coercivity of the magnet is still less than 1/3 of the theoretical value,which makes the temperature stability of the magnet poor.Aiming at 35EH,38UH contour of common key technical problems in production,which add terbium dysprosium content high,low temperature coefficient,the non-uniform magnetic orientation,made into a magnet as low density,orientation degree and poor corrosion resistance problem,put forward some own views,namely the idea of technology in the three aspects of improving preparation technology conditions,smelting alloying and border control.
作者 陈东雯 黄伟超 谢觉 陈虞鑫 唐锦 Chen Dongwen;Huang Weichao;Xie Jue;Chen Yuxin;Tang Jin(Zhongxi(Guangxi)Jinyuan Rare Earth New Material Co.,Ltd.,Hezhou 542603;Research Center of Materials Science and Engineering,Guangxi University of Science and Technology,Liuzhou 545006,China)
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2021年第19期86-87,共2页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
基金 广西创新驱动发展专项(桂科AA18242023)。
关键词 驱动电机 烧结NDFEB 矫顽力 制备工艺 熔炼合金化 晶界扩散技术 drive sintered NdFeB coercive force preparation technology smelting alloying grain boundary diffusion technology
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