
党领导视野下的中国产业组织百年变迁 被引量:1

The Hundred Years of Changes in China’s Industrial Organization under the Leadership of the Communist Party
摘要 自1840年鸦片战争以来,西方列强利用其资本的垄断地位在中国强取豪夺,中国民族资本主义工业即便在最辉煌的时期也无法与之抗衡。中国共产党成立以后,在解放区根据地,一边领导武装斗争,一边积极发展生产,构建了以公有制企业为主体、多种所有制企业形态并存的产业组织发展格局,为打败日本帝国主义和国民党反动统治,奠定了坚实的物质基础。新中国成立后,没收帝国主义、官僚资本主义工业企业,掌握国民经济命脉;改造民族资本主义工业和个体手工业,建立了以公有制占绝对主导地位的产业组织形态,加速推进中国工业化进程,建立起完整的工业体系和扎实的工业基础,为中国取得举世瞩目的成就打下了坚实基础。改革开放后,产业组织形态由公有制占主导的单一的所有制企业形态,发展到国有企业、乡镇企业与私营企业等非公企业共同发展并在竞争中达到动态均衡。随着新一轮产业革命与数字经济的兴起,中国还将形成新的产业组织形态,促进生产力水平的提高,促进中国高质量发展。 Since the Opium War in 1840,Western powers have taken advantage of their capital’s monopoly position to take advantage of China,and China’s national capitalist industry has been unable to compete with it even in its most glorious period.After the founding of the Communist Party of China,in the liberated area base areas,while leading the armed struggle,while actively developing production,realized the development pattern of industrial organization with public enterprises as the main body and multiple forms of ownership enterprises coexisting,laying a solid foundation for defeating the reactionary rule of Japanese imperialism and the Kuomintang.After the founding of the People’s Republic of China,the imperialist and bureaucratic capitalist industrial enterprises were confiscated and the lifeline of the national economy was mastered;the national capitalist industry and individual handicrafts were transformed,and an industrial organization form in which public ownership was the absolute dominant position was established to accelerate the process of China’s industrialization.A complete industrial system and a solid industrial foundation have laid a solid foundation for China’s remarkable achievements.After the reform and opening up,the form of industrial organization is dominated by a single-ownership enterprise form of public ownership,and it has developed to state-owned enterprises,township enterprises and private enterprises and other non-public enterprises that develop together and achieve dynamic equilibrium in monopolistic competition.With the new round of industrial revolution and the rise of the digital economy,China will also form a new form of industrial organization,which will greatly promote the improvement of productivity,accelerate the promotion of China’s high-quality development,and achieve the second centenary goal as soon as possible.
作者 陈晓东 Chen Xiaodong
出处 《区域经济评论》 北大核心 2021年第6期5-14,共10页 Regional Economic Review
基金 国家社会科学基金重大研究专项“加快构建中国特色哲学社会科学学科体系、学术体系、话语体系”之“新时代中国特色经济学基本理论问题研究”(18VXK002) 中国社会科学院哲学社会科学创新工程基础研究学者项目 中国社会科学院优势学科登峰计划(产业经济学) 中国社会科学院“新阶段中国竞争政策研究”哲学社会科学创新工程研究项目。
关键词 产业组织 百年变迁 中国共产党 Industrial Organization A Century of Changes The Communist Party of China
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