

Narrative Time and Narrative Aesthetics of Monroe's“Tricks”
摘要 加拿大短篇小说巨匠门罗以擅长书写女性叙事荣获2013年诺贝尔文学奖。《播弄》是门罗的代表性短篇小说之一,讲述一对“陌生”恋人因命运的播弄,恋情无法修成正果的悲伤爱情故事。叙事策略是这篇小说的特色所在,尤其是叙事时间是该小说的点睛之笔。运用热奈特的叙事时间理论,从时序、时距、频率方面探讨小说《播弄》的叙事时间及叙事审美艺术,以期更好地理清门罗的写作思路,欣赏作者安排叙事时间的策略与技巧。 As a master of Canadian short stories,Alice Munro won Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013 for her exquisite writing skills in female narration.“Tricks”is one of her representative short stories,telling a sad love story about a couple of“strange”lovers who cannot spend the rest of their lives together because of the trick of the fate.Narrative strategy is a major feature of the novel,especially the narrative time and it is the finishing touch of the novel.This paper aims to employ Genette's narrative time theory to explore the narrative time and narrative aesthetic art of Monroe's“Tricks”from three aspects:time sequence,time distance and frequency,so as to help readers better understand Monroe's writing ideas,appreciate the strategies and skills of the author's narrative time.
作者 刘明录 杨艳菲 LIU Minglu;YANG Yanfei(College of Foreign Studies, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi 5410006, China)
出处 《重庆交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第6期119-124,共6页 Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University:Social Sciences Edition
基金 广西师范大学博士科研启动项目“加拿大原住民文学中的身份意识与民族想象研究”(2015)。
关键词 门罗 《播弄》 叙事时间 叙事审美 Monroe “Tricks” narrative time narrative aesthetics
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