

What Happened after Nora Left:The Separation and Reconstruction of Mother and Other Female Roles
摘要 五四新文化运动以来,“娜拉”们走出家庭,来到校园,走向社会,知识女性与劳动妇女经历的顿挫与困厄,演绎着近代中国妇女的解放之路。《女子月刊》主编黄心勉以牺牲母职为代价,为追求人生事业而英年早逝。南京国民政府上海教育厅工作者绿萍为平衡家事与职业的关系,一方面聘请乳娘照料孩子,另一方面其女性亲属及丈夫也共同参与育儿,使她脱离了琐碎家务的羁绊,从而实现了女性价值与社会价值的合一,并探索出建构民国时期家庭福利的经验模式。女作家苏青敏感地意识到男性话语权的隐形控制,为冲破女性角色之于社会角色的藩篱与桎梏,她在表达母性书写的同时,通过争取经济自主权确立了女性主体性身份。至于广大普通女工,则因工作时间长、工资薪酬少等因素,挣扎在生存的温饱线上,无暇顾及儿童的科学教养问题。由此可见,母亲角色与女性角色分离后的重构,既需要发挥女性本人的主观能动意识,也离不开客观条件即女性福利与社会保障事业的支持。 Since the May Fourth New Culture Movement,women like Nora walked out of the family,went to colleges or into society.The frustration and distress experienced by intellectual women and working women have made the historical of modern Chinese women's liberation.The editor-in-chief of Women's Monthly Huang Xinmian died young while sacrificing her role as a mother in pursuit of her career.In order to balance the relationship between housework and career,Lv Ping,a worker of the Shanghai Education Department of Nanjing National Government,hired nurses to take care of her daughters,meanwhile her female relatives and husband also participated in parenting,which prompts her to break away from the fetters of trivial housework.With the unity of female value and social value,she explored the empirical model of family welfare during the Republic of China.Su Qing,a female writer,was sensitively aware of the invisible control of male voice.In order to break out of the shackles of female roles imposed by the society,while expressing maternal writing,she establishes female subjective identity by fighting for economic autonomy.As for the large number of working women,due to factors such as long working hours and low wages,they are struggling to survive the predicament of food and clothing,sparing no time for their children's education.After the separation of the role of mother and other female roles,the reconstruction requires women's subjective awareness and the support of the objective conditions for the development of women's welfare and social security.
作者 高翔宇 彭雨宸 GAO Xiang-yu;PENG Yu-chen(China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 102249,China)
出处 《山东女子学院学报》 2022年第1期50-59,共10页 Journal of Shandong Women's University
关键词 娜拉 家庭角色 社会角色 女性解放 Nora family role social role women's liberation
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