
学术社交网络用户影响力形成差异研究——基于中美高校用户RG Score的比较 被引量:3

Research on the Differences in the Formation of Academic Social Network Users Influence:Based on the Comparison of RG Score between Chinese and American University Users
摘要 [目的/意义]学术社交网络是用户形成学术社交网络影响力和开展知识交流的重要平台,对学术社交网络用户影响力形成差异的研究一方面有助于高校用户通过合理使用平台提升自身学术社交网络影响力,另一方面有助于学术社交网站优化影响力评价体系。[方法/过程]本文以ResearchGate(RG)为例,分别采集中美共6所顶尖高校用户数据,依据RG Score将其用户划分为高、中、低影响力层级,并从RG Score的构成对中美高校用户不同影响力的形成进行比较分析。[结果/结论]研究发现,两国高校多数用户影响力偏低,影响力主要来源于出版物,反映出其未充分使用RG平台的各项功能。大量分享出版物或充分并全面使用平台的各项功能有助于用户形成高影响力;中影响力用户的影响力来源相对高影响力用户而言更多元化,但对平台功能的使用不够充分;低影响力用户在有限的成果和问答交互之外,还依赖于人际关系等积累一定影响力。 [Purpose/significance]Academic social network is an important platform for users to form academic social network influence and carry out knowledge exchange.The research on the formation of university users’academic social network influence on the one hand can help them improve their academic social network influence through proper use of the platform,on the other hand,it can help academic social network platform optimize their influence evaluation system.[Method/process]Taking ResearchGate(RG)as an example,this paper collects user data from six top universities in China and America,subdivides usersintohigh,medium and low influence levels according to their RG Score,and then makes a comparative analysis on the formation of Chinese and American users’influence according to the composition of their RG Score.[Result/conclusion]The results show that most users of Chinese and American universities have low influence and their influence mainly comes from publications,which reflects that they do not make full use of the functions of RG.Sharing numbers of publications or making full use of the functions of the platform helps users form high influence.The sources of the middle influence users are more diversified compared to high influence users,but their use of platform functions is insufficient.Besides limited publications and Q&A interactions,the low influence users also rely on interpersonal relationships to accumulate certain influence.
作者 严炜炜 谢顺欣 王清烨 Yan Weiwei;Xie Shunxin;Wang Qingye(School of Information Management,Wuhan University,Hubei,430072)
出处 《情报资料工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期54-62,共9页 Information and Documentation Services
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目“群体差异视角下学术社交网络用户交互与合作机制研究”(批准号:71904148)的研究成果之一。
关键词 学术社交网络 影响力 中美高校用户 RG Score academic social network influence Chinese and American university users RG Score
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