
宁夏中南部调水工程受水区水资源配置效果评价 被引量:2

Evaluation on the effect of water resources allocation in the water receiving area of the central and southern Ningxia water transfer project
摘要 宁夏中南部调水工程是宁夏境内唯一的大型调水工程,该项工程的实施,必将会对受水区水资源配置格局产生巨大的影响。基于水资源配置的多目标性和模糊不相容性的特点,开展宁夏中南部调水工程受水区水资源配置及效果评价研究,进一步明确中南部调水工程对水资源配置格局的影响。从生活优先、生态优先2个角度出发,选取2020、2025年规划水平年,分别设置有、无中南部调水工程参与的水资源配置方案集,从社会、经济以及生态3个方面对评价指标进行选取,并创建相应的评价指标体系;分别采用主成分分析法和模糊物元综合评价方法对水资源配置结果进行评价,并将2种评价方法的最后得分值按优劣大小排序做对比分析。2种评价方法均表明基于生态优先的有宁夏中南部调水工程参与的水资源配置方案最优;其中模糊物元评价结果表明,凡是采用了中南部工程调水的方案均比没有中南部调水工程的方案优,而主成分分析的评价结果优劣差异较为明显,除了表明采用中南部工程调水的方案均比没有中南部调水工程的方案优,还可以发现受水区配置的水资源量越多,方案越优。这个结果同时也说明2种评价方法用于水资源配置效果评价均具有一定的合理性,而宁夏中南部调水工程的参与对于受水地区的经济发展起到了很大的推动作用,同时还提升了区域生态环境效益。 As the only large-scale water transfer project within Ningxia Province,China,the water transfer project in central and southern Ningxia involves transferring water from the Jing River Basin,which has relatively rich surface water,on Liupan Mountain,to the Qingshui River Basin,which has poor surface water.With a water supply pattern that depends on the pumping water of the Yellow River and piloting water from the Jing River and regional water resources in receiving areas,studies should determine how all types of water supply resources can be fully and reasonably used.The local government and water administration department should ensure that water resource management can provide not only remarkable social and economic benefits but also environmental benefits.However,for water-receiving areas in the water transfer project,the original water supply structure changes,and the water resource system becomes reorganized.Therefore,the scheme should be comprehensively evaluated at a high level based on water resource allocation schemes to analyze the effect of the water transfer project on receiving areas and demonstrate the effect of water resource allocation schemes.All schemes are comprehensively optimized based on economy,society,and ecological environment,and optimization results are considered as the decision basis.Project implementation considerably affects the water resource allocation patterns in water-receiving areas.In this study,given the characteristics of the multi-objective and fuzzy incompatibility of water resource allocation,the research target was the effect of the water transfer project on water resource allocation in a given receiving area.From the perspectives of life and ecology priorities,a water resource allocation plan was selected with or without the participation of the water transfer project at planning levels in 2020 and 2025.Evaluation indicators were selected based on three aspects:social,economic,and ecological.Then,an index evaluation system was established.Principal component analysis and fuzzy matter-element comprehensive evaluation were performed to calculate.The final scores of the two methods were ranked according to their strengths and weaknesses,which were then compared and analyzed.Both evaluation results indicate that the best water resource allocation scheme is the one with the participation of the water transfer project based on ecological priority.Fuzzy matter-element evaluation results reveal that all schemes using the water transfer project are better than those without the water transfer project in the central and southern regions.The higher the water resource allocation in water-receiving areas,the better is the plan.In summary,the two evaluation results showed that the water transfer project in central and southern Ningxia has promoted the socioeconomic development of the water-receiving area and provided ecological and environmental benefits.
作者 李金燕 郭娇 崔岚博 窦淼 LI Jinyan;GUO Jiao;CUI Lanbo;DOU Miao(School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,Ningxia,China)
出处 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期1601-1611,共11页 Arid Land Geography
基金 宁夏自然科学基金项目(2021AAC03018) 宁夏自然科学基金项目(2019AAC03046) 国家自然科学基金项目(51569024) 宁夏大学水利工程一流学科(NXYLXK2021A03)资助。
关键词 中南部调水工程 水资源配置 水资源配置效果评价 主成分分析法 模糊物元综合评价 central and southern Ningxia water transfer project water resources allocation evaluation of water resources allocation principal component analysis fuzzy matter-element comprehensive evaluation
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