
人性的叩问 改革的赞歌——论《三山凹》的主题意蕴

The Inquiry of Humanity,the Paean of Reform--On the Thematic Implication of Sanshan Concave(三山凹)
摘要 李天岑的现实主义长篇新作《三山凹》,是中国作协重点扶持的脱贫攻坚奔小康题材重要作品。用叙事批评和社会历史批评方法研究该小说可以发现:执着于共同富裕梦想、重义轻利的改革先锋党员干部柳大林、张宝山,指向城乡社会的主流文化群体,而唯利是图、惯于坑蒙拐骗的改革投机者商人侯子耀,则指向背离社会主义核心价值体系的亚文化群体。小说以“道德行为”为情节动因,通过惩恶扬善的情节设计,抨击了金钱至上、享乐主义、功利主义等错误观念,讴歌了党员干部人民至上、克己奉公等优良品质。小说还通过非聚焦型叙述者“我”与主要人物视点的融合等手段来引导读者体会主流文化群体面对改革考验时的复杂体验,进而思考在改革时代该如何进行价值的取舍和实现自己生命的价值。 Li Tiancen’s new realistic full-length novel Sanshan Concave(三山凹)is an important work themed upon poverty alleviation and building of a well-off society under the aegis of the Chinese Writers’Association.Using narrative criticism and social-historical criticism to study the novel,we can come at the following.Liu Dalin and Zhang Baoshan,pioneers of reform and Party cadres who clung to the dream of common prosperity and valued justice outweighing benefit,targeted mainstream cultural groups in urban and rural society.On the other hand,Hou Ziyao,a reform speculator and businessman who was used to cheating for profit,leads us to a subcultural group that deviates from the socialist core value system.The novel takes“moral behavior”as the plot motivation,and through the plot design of punishing evil and promoting good,attacks such ill ideas as money first,hedonism and utilitarianism,and eulogizes the party members and cadres’good qualities such as people first,self-abjection and public service.Through the fusion of the out-of-focus narrator“I”and the main characters’viewpoints,the novel also guides readers to experience the complex experience of the mainstream cultural group facing the test of reform,and then to think about how to make the choice of values and realize the value of their own lives in the era of reform.
作者 郭海玉 GUO Haiyu(Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries & School of Chinese Language and Literature, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang Henan 473061, China)
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2021年第6期120-124,共5页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
基金 南阳市哲学社会科学规划项目“新世纪南阳作家的南阳书写研究”,项目编号:2020-089。
关键词 李天岑 《三山凹》 现实主义 Li Tiancen Sanshan Concave(三山凹) realism
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