
建设两岸共同市场研究 被引量:8

Research on the Issues of Building a Cross-Strait Common Market
摘要 建设两岸共同市场,主要是要实现两岸之间产品贸易、要素流动的自由化,以及相应的两岸产品市场一体化、要素市场一体化。在“两岸一国、反对台独”的原则与前提下推进两岸共同市场建设,相应建立健全有助于扩张两岸经济交流的利基与规模、有助于共同应对全球化与区域一体化的挑战、有助于消减两岸间经济竞争与摩擦、有助于增进两岸同胞的共同利益与国家认同的交流合作机制,不仅有助于提升两岸经济交流对两岸民生经济的贡献,而且也有助于在促进两岸关系和平发展的同时夯实两岸和平统一的经济基础。两岸当前已初步具备建设共同市场以实现预期效应所需的基本经济条件,但两岸经济发展不平衡、法规政策差异决定了两岸共同市场建设宜循序渐进,而两岸政治对立则严重制约着两岸共同市场建设的启动。实践中,建设两岸共同市场,宜采取先单向后双向、先单边后双边、先区域后整体、先要素后产品、先资本后劳动力的从易到难、逐步推进的路径与举措,特别是可考虑建设“两岸共同市场试验示范区”,以探索经验、累积互信、奠定基础。 The construction of a cross-Strait common market is mainly to realize the liberalization of product trade and factor flow between the two sides of the strait,and the corresponding cross-Strait product market integration and factor market integration.Promoting the construction of a cross-Strait common market under the principle and premise of "cross-Strait one country,opposing Taiwan independence",and hence establishing exchange and cooperation mechanism which can improve the niche and scale of cross-Strait economic exchanges,help jointly cope with the challenges of globalization and regional integration,help reduce cross-Strait economic competition and frictions,and enhance the common interests and national identity of compatriots on both sides of the strait,will not only help to enhance the contribution of cross-Strait economic exchanges to the people’s livelihood and economy on both sides of the strait,but also contribute to the relationship between peaceful development and the consolidation of the economic and ideological foundations for the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait.The two sides of the Taiwan Strait have initially possessed the basic economic conditions needed to build a common market to achieve the expected effect.However,the imbalance of cross-Strait economic development and differences in regulations and policies determine that the construction of the cross-Strait common market should proceed step by step,and the political confrontation between the two sides seriously restricts the construction of the common market.In practice,to build a cross-Strait common market,it is advisable to adopt the path and measures of gradual advancement from easy to difficult,and gradually advancing from one direction to another,from one side to both sides,from a region to the whole,from a factor to a product,and from a capital to labor.It is possible to consider building a "cross-Strait common market pilot demonstration zone" to explore experience,accumulate mutual trust,and lay the foundation.
作者 唐永红 Tang Yonghong
出处 《台湾研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期34-45,共12页 Taiwan Studies
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,项目名称:“海峡两岸融合发展新路研究”(编号:2072021088) 福建省科技创新战略研究联合项目资助,项目名称:“福建在探索海峡两岸融合发展新路中的作为研究”(编号:2020R0005)。
关键词 两岸共同市场 两岸经济一体化 两岸经济交流合作 两岸融合发展 cross-Strait common market cross-Strait economic integration cross-Strait economic exchange and cooperation cross-Strait integrated development
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